I do not understand the problem. Why not just alter the _javascript_ to reduce or eliminate the delay? You can make it do anything you want it to.

Lonny Eachus

[Wtr-general] Automation annoyingness
Jared Quinert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wed, 07 Jun 2006 20:14:25 +1000

I have an issue which I suspect can only be solved elegantly by getting our dev team to make some changes to our application.  I suspect that the issue I'm having would be a general one with *any* tool attempting to automate a browser (hence my crossposting).

The issue is that there is _javascript_ attached to the 'next page' link.  This script takes some time to run before advancing to the next page.  Watir sensibly waits for IE to not be busy after a control is clicked, however, because the script is running, it looks like IE is not busy.  As a result, the script clicks on the link, then immediately checks for the elements on the next page.  They're not there, but Watir is tricked into progressing because IE is not loading a page.

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