On 7/12/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But what FireWatir needs is more experimentation, and that means that it
> needs to be developed according to different development rules from Watir. I
> am happy to consult, and to hear any ideas about how it might develop
> differently, but i think it is time for it to spread its wings, and am not
> so sure that it wouldn't even be best if there were a couple active versions
> of Ruby/FireFox drivers, free to share code and ideas between them, but with
> out too much worry about consistency and agreement.

It's probably too obvious to mention, but since I am the master of all
things obvious, I will:  let's make sure that every driver conforms to
as much as the Watir API as is reasonable.  Ultimately, if we can have
more than one driver then we should be able to use the same Watir
scripts regardless of which browser/OS we're on.

BTW, I just started the SafariWatir project on RubyForge:
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