With all due respect, Rand, I have been listening in on this forum for some time, and posting my own suggestions from time to time. My own advice might not always have been 100% spot-on, but at other times it definitely helped people here. Nor did I offer advice because I owed it to anybody. My desire was to help the community.

Bret's link to a page on Internet Explorer was neither on-topic or useful. Perhaps it was a mistake or misunderstanding, but it came across as a rather blatant insult. I have no reason to apologize when a polite request on my part is met with such a rude response.

Lonny Eachus

Re: [Wtr-general] Accessing Session Information
"Rand Thacker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wed, 12 Jul 2006 11:51:50 -0500

Lonny, for someone asking for help, you're going about it all wrong.

Folks who answer questions on this list aren't doing it because it's their job or because they owe you.  They are doing it out of the general desire to help the community.  If you are rude to the people who are providing help, they will cease to answer your requests for help.

Something  like:
"Bruce, I don't think the link you sent accessed the specific area of the tutorial that you were hoping for.  Either that, or I'm just not sure what area would help me find answers to my questions regarding session information."
Might get better results than outright sarcasm.
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