MSIE does not close down instantaneously. Don't immediately
try to relaunch it.

I solved this with our scripts by introducing a 3 second delay
between closing MSIE and reopening it.

Another solution is to never close, or keep an IE window open
somewhere (so that browser closes aren't actually closing down

We needed to flush login sessions properly with a non-deal
app, so we just delayed.

On 7/25/06, Xavier Noria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been developing an application just fine, and in some machines
> in production after some successful runs ie.goto launches MSIE but
> nothing happens, there's just a blank page. Sometimes there is no
> trace, and sometimes we get something like
> c:/ruby/li
> b/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.4.1/./watir.rb:1122:in `method_missing':
> unknown pr
> operty or method: `visible' (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
>      HRESULT error code:0x800706ba
>        El servidor RPC no estß disponible.       from c:/ruby/lib/
> ruby/gems/1.8/g
> ems/watir-1.4.1/./watir.rb:1122:in `set_defaults'
> whish says that the RPC server is not available. RPC is listed as a
> running service however.
> Did anybody have this problem? It is a stopper for my current project
> which is about to be deployed to the client.
> -- fxn
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