On 7/26/06, Adrian Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can write a version of the CSDDT for Watir
> http://tinyurl.com/z6zjo
> But I want at least 3 people asking for this and the first iteration will
> be out in around 2 weeks.

There was great interest in Watir automation frameworks among the
attendees at the Scripting Web Tests (with Watir and Ruby) class at
Agile2006.  There is I think no good example of a data-driven test
framework to point people to, so this would be in general a fine idea.
 I would like to suggest

a) make it open-source.  Otherwise it's too hard to answer questions about it.
b) write in in Ruby, because that's what the people using the
framework will be using.
c) please make an effort to answer ongoing questions about your work,
either on this list or on a list devoted to the framework itself.

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