We have been using RadRails almost since it has been available. It is based 
on the time-tested Eclipse IDE from IBM. (Get it? This was started when Java 
became big. Eclipse as opposed to "Sun"). So RadRails has a solid 
foundation, but it is still dependent on its developers to make sure it 
works properly for Ruby / Rails.

The first release or two of RadRails were missing so much in functionality 
that they were pretty much unusable. But it has come so far since then that 
I have to wonder why anyone would use anything else, unless it were for 
performance reasons (Eclipse can be something of a hog).

It supports just about all functions of SVN, allowing you to track your 
source visibly and seamlessly. (It must be noted, however, that the release 
we are currently using, 0.6.4, has a bug in its SVN support: it does not 
create tags properly. But you can still do that manually, so no big deal.)

Despite a couple of very minor bugs, RadRails is by far the most 
fully-functional IDE for Ruby / Rails that I have seen. Eclipse has so many 
features that it would be pointless to even try to list them here, and most 
if not all of those features carry over to RadRails.

Lonny Eachus

 > From: Adrian Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > To: wtr-general@rubyforge.org
 > Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 10:23:23 +0100
 > Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Newbie - Ruby dev IDE question
> I use Arachno Ruby (http://ruby-ide.com/ruby/ruby_ide_and_ruby_editor.php).
 > Take a look.
 > supports only 1.8.2. and the beta for 1.8.4 ([for me] kept crashing).
 > Would like peoples experience on Rad Rails though.
 > aidy

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