Hey all,



I’m running Ruby 1.8.5, and Watir 1.4.1 on Windows XP Pro SP2, with IE 7 RC1.


I have a test case that runs, and for some reason I get the following exception:


  2) Error:


WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown property or method `innerText'

    HRESULT error code:0x80070005

      Access is denied.

    c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:2180:in `method_missing'

    c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:2180:in `text'

    C:/Projects/HostedCS/unittests/../unittests/hcs_errors_test.rb:111:in `test_step_two_confirm'


I’m not sure what’s causing this actually. I don’t think I’m doing anything out of the ordinary. Here’s that particular test:


    def test_step_two_confirm

        $ie.link(:text, "Get Started Now...").click


        $ie.button(:id, "ctl00_CenterWell_btnSubmit").click


        # First, make sure we still get our base errors.

        divTwo = $ie.div(:id, "stepTwoError")

        assert(divTwo.text["You must enter a valid subdomain for your community."] != nil)

        assert(divTwo.text["Invalid subdomain. Domains may only contain letters, numbers or hyphens."] != nil)


        # Now, let's set an invalid domain name (the first error should go away, but not the second)

        $ie.text_field(:id, "ctl00_CenterWell_txtDomainName").set("telligentrocks!")


        $ie.button(:id, "ctl00_CenterWell_btnSubmit").click


        assert(divTwo.text["You must enter a valid subdomain for your community."] == nil)

        assert(divTwo.text["Invalid subdomain. Domains may only contain letters, numbers or hyphens."] != nil)


        # Finally, let's enter a valid domain and make sure all errors go away

        $ie.text_field(:id, "ctl00_CenterWell_txtDomainName").set("testdomain")


        $ie.button(:id, "ctl00_CenterWell_btnSubmit").click


        assert(divTwo.text["You must enter a valid subdomain for your community."] == nil)

        assert(divTwo.text["Invalid subdomain. Domains may only contain letters, numbers or hyphens."] == nil)




Any ideas? I’m no Watir guru, so I’m not sure if this is a normal error you run into and just means something else, basically.








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