I had another thought, namely that calling goto() inside an explicit timeout is nicer than actually building a timeout value into Watir.  There is a timeout value set in the Ruby http-access2 library and I am forever having to remember where the dang value is set and rejigger it on all of my test machines.  Not to mention the heartbreak of when a long-running process terminates because I didn't set the timeout high enough, destroying some critical test or another. 

On 10/12/06, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Straight outta the pickaxe (with comments from me), 
does this work?
 (http://www.rubycentral.com/book/lib_standard.html )

require "timeout"

for snooze in 1..2
  puts "About to sleep for #{snooze}"
  timeout(1.5) do
#ie.goto( http://foo.com)
  puts "That was refreshing"

#puts "went to foo.com in less than 1.5 seconds)

About to sleep for 1
That was refreshing
About to sleep for 2
/tc/usr/lib/ruby/1.6/timeout.rb:37: execution expired (TimeoutError)
from prog.rb:5:in `timeout'
from prog.rb:5
from prog.rb
:3:in `each'
from prog.rb:3
The timeout method takes a single parameter, representing a timeout period in seconds, and a block. The block is executed, and a timer is run concurrently. If the block terminates before the timeout, timeout returns true. Otherwise, a TimeoutError exception is raised.

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