I do this to a degree, but I consider it to be logging not documentation.

I have 3 levels of logging (there are more, but thats besides the point)

Section, Test and Details

A section would be like "Administration" a test would "Create a New User" and 
details are "Clicked 'new user', 'Set user name 'Sam' '.

When my program runs the output is in excel, and the different types are color 
coded. The 'details' are normally filtered out, its way too much information.

[11:30am] - Administration (this is yellow background)
[11:30am] - click new user (this is grey background)
[11:30am] - set user name 'sam' (this is grey background)
[11:31am] - Login PASS (or if something went wrong, login FAIL, or if it 
exploded UNKNOWN ERROR) (this is white background)

Personally I do not want to generate a test document from my script. My script 
should be born from a document. Thats me though, it all depends on the 
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