I'm a newbie myself, but I noticed that if I launch my ruby app by double-clicking the icon in windows, the app will execute and close the cmd window.
However, if I go to my cmd window first and launch the app from there...then my window stays open and I have a brief history until you close the window. This will work long enough to show your management.
For long term solutions you'll want to add some logging functionality...I'd share...but I'm still looking into that myself!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Wtr-general] How do I write to simple file instead of screen?
Date: Mon, November 27, 2006 5:00 pm
To: wtr-general@rubyforge.org

I am new to Watir, and am trying to build a small demo for management. Can someone give me a quick example on replacing 'puts' with the command that writes instead to a file? My DOS window closes immediately upon completion of running a script and I can't see the results. Also, it there a 'pause' command or something similar?

I tried using the example on wikipedia.com for writing to an excel sheet, but it never opened an excel sheet or wrote anything to it.


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