> link = ie.div(:text, 'Pragmatic Version
>  Control').after.link(:class, 
> addtocard')
> I think this is less intuitive and it would be
> somewhat harder to 
> implement. That's why i came up with the other
> proposal, above.

Thats actually the first way I thought of it too.

A second, slightly related question. Regardless of how you do it, i'm wondering 
whats going on behind the scenes.

If you do 

> headline = $ie.div(:text, 'Pragmatic Version Control')
> link = $ie.link(:class => 'addtocart', :after? => headline) 

Is headline now 'frozen'? For example, lets say there is a 'addtocart' after 
headline. What happens if after you create your headline variable the page 
changes (headline is now at the bottom of the page)? Will the after method re 
evaluate headlines position in the page? Or is headline now static so after 
would would be true even if it isn't?

I'm not sure if that even made sense.
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