Happy New Year!
I have a question that concerns dynamically generated html tags and how to 
reference them. In a specific frame, a certain operation creates a new object. 
This object was given a name by my automation tool to make it unique and 
recognizable by my tool.
I can reference the object using ...image( :id,'imgTreeNodePlusMinus_8158' ) 
which is a product generated identifier which is a value that I cannot predict. 
What I want to use is the identifier that my tool generates, in this case 
The html for the object is:
Active Element: [SPAN], Frame: [fraNavigation], Index: [150] 
<SPAN> class=DATAZONE-TREE-NODE-TEXT id=spnNodeText_8158 
onmouseover=treeItemMouseOver(); style="COLOR: #7d69d6; TEXT-DECORATION: 
underline" onclick=navToASPPageForNode(); onmouseout=treeItemMouseOut(); 
udefModuleID="8" udefNodeDesc="A0MGdyn0.78108587205286 for DEV2003DC" 
udefModuleName="Administration " udefNodeID="158" udefASP="" 
udefContext="machines" udefNodeTitle="A0MGdyn0.78108587205286" 
udefHelp="AdminMachMngrMGDynam.htm" udefParentNodeID="7"> 
The only unchanging identifier for this object is the value 
Is there a way to reference the object using this value?
I have tried:
     .image( :id, /A0MGdyn0.78108587205286/ ).click
     .image( :id, 'A0MGdyn0.78108587205286' ).click
     .image( :title, 'A0MGdyn0.78108587205286' ).click
as well as .span with the above parameters.
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