Hi Maloy,

Here are the steps to create and view the log file

To create a log file you need to do the following include the following

Include the logger which is present in the following path C:\Watir\watir-v1_4\examples\logging

require 'example_logger1'

filePrefix = "Test_log"

$logger = LoggerFactory.start_xml_logger(filePrefix)

Include the text that you need to log in the log file using $logger.log(“Text to be logged”)

For eg
$logger.log("Step 1: Goto the Site http://www.rediff.com)

View the log file in the following path C:\Watir\watir-v1_4\examples\logging

Hope this helps

Thanks & Regards,

From: "Devesh Verma, HCL-Industry Solutions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: wtr-general@rubyforge.org
To: <wtr-general@rubyforge.org>
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Two queries in Watir
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 13:41:46 +0530

Hi Maloy,

Try this for accessing the "Go" button..
ie.button(:src, "http://im.rediff.com/uim/news/go-btn.gif";).click


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Maloy kanti
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:53 PM
To: wtr-general@rubyforge.org
Subject: [Wtr-general] Two queries in Watir

Hello people,

I have got two queries in Watir.  If they get cleared through this
forum, I would be thankful.  The queries are:

1.  How to access a control, whose '.html' is displayed as ' Active
Element: [INPUT], Index: [956]  <INPUT title="Sign in" type=image
height=22 hspace=0 width=37
src="http://im.rediff.com/uim/news/go-btn.gif"; border=0>'.   I have
tried accessing it through commands like 'ie.image', 'ie.link',
'ie.button', 'ie.label' etc. but each time Watir would say that it
cannot recognize the object.  Is there any other word apart from image,
link, button etc., which can be used to access this control?
Just for your information, I would like to tell you people that the
control referred above is the "Go" button (the button that we click
after entering the 'username' and 'password' of our rediffmail id)
present in www.rediff.com (please open "www.rediff.com" and look for an
'Orange' color button named "Go").

2) Where can we see the log (output) of a script?  Will the command
'ie.log()' write the given text to the log?  If so, where can it be

Thanks in advance,
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