> I think the problem for the OP is that we don't have
> good 
> examples/documentation describing this approach.

I don't feel that its a problem Watir needs to solve. If the community really 
did want some framework I think it would be a project separate from Watir. I'm 
not even sure a project like that would work. Every application that needs 
testing is probably going to need a slightly different approach. If someone 
attempts to write a 'be all end all' framework its probably going to end up 
very complex and hard to understand (see most commercial testing packages).

Watir's strength, to me, is the fact you bring your knowledge of testing and 
coding together. Its a great tool that grows with you and rarely holds you back.

I did in fact run into the problem of a 'test harness', but I asked some 
questions and just tried something - and it failed, i then tossed it and tried 
again - and it worked. I have a strong feeling if and when i try a new project 
it will be even better.

Its kind of a like a hand saw. Anyone with a saw can cut wood, but it truly 
takes experience to cut wood well (too out there?).

Anywho, my 2g's :)
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