Hi Chitta,

 I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here, but it looks like your
checkcondition method is in the test case. And you're calling, based on this
code, your checkcondition method inside itself. It's a bit hard to even know
where to begin with this. Some more context might help, or maybe someone
else on the list wants to do more parsing of the code and work through it.

There's an excel interface class which I haven't used, but might help
simplify some of what you're doing here:

Quick guesswork and of dubious value...

class TC_1 < Test::Unit::TestCase
 def  test_sign_up
   # figure out what values you need here to call this method with all it's
parameters which are quite a few
    checkcondition(checktext, cell1, cell2, messagepass, messagefail,
passcheck, failcheck)

checkcondition being a method in another class or module, which it may be


On 3/20/07, chitta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi All,

Please Help me how can i declare a method here..

# Test to automate Sign-up
# Author : Chitta Ranjan
# Verson : 0.2

require 'watir'
require 'test/unit'

#Test Suite for Sign up verifications
class TC_1 < Test::Unit::TestCase
def  test_sign_up
def checkcondition(checktext, cell1, cell2, messagepass, messagefail,
passcheck, failcheck)
if ie.contains_text("#{checktext}")
p 'messagepass'
excel.Range("#{cell1}")['Value'] = "#{passcheck}";
excel.Range("#{cell2}")['Value'] = "#{pass}";
p 'messagefail'
excel.Range("#{cell1}")['Value'] = "#{failcheck}";
excel.Range("#{cell2}")['Value'] = "#{fail}";

  require 'win32ole'
  excel = WIN32OLE.new("excel.application")
  # Workbook holding the test data and test case
  workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open('C:\SetupData.xls')
  # Refernce to Test Data in the worksheet
  worksheet = workbook.Worksheets('Test Data')
  #Variable for handling null
  nullvariable = worksheet.Range('b1')['Value']
  # First Name
  firstname   = worksheet.Range('b2')['Value']
  # Last Name
  lastname   = worksheet.Range('b3')['Value']
  # Correct Email Address
  email1         = worksheet.Range('b4')['Value']
  #Invalid Email Address
  email2         = worksheet.Range('c4')['Value']
  # Correct Password
  password1   = worksheet.Range('b5')['Value']
  # Incorrect Password- invalid length
  password2   = worksheet.Range('c5')['Value']
  # Incorrect Password - invalid length
  password3   = worksheet.Range('d5')['Value']
  # Incorrect Password - invalid length
  password4   = worksheet.Range('e5')['Value']
  # Password Reminder - Correct
  passwordreminder1 = worksheet.Range('b6')['Value']
  # Password Reminder - Incorrect
  passwordreminder2 = worksheet.Range('c6')['Value']
  # Answer to password reminder
  answer = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 6}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  # Contact Phone number
  contactphonenumber1 = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 7}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  # Invalid Contact Phone Number - Invalid length
  contactphonenumber2 = worksheet.Range("C#{1 + 7}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  # Invalid Contact Phone Number - Invalid length
  contactphonenumber3 = worksheet.Range('d8')['Value']
  # Internet Provider
  internetprovider = worksheet.Range('b9')['Value']
  # Street Number
  streetno = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 9}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  # Street Name
  streetname = worksheet.Range('b11')['Value']
  # City
  city = worksheet.Range('b12')['Value']
  # Valid State
  state1 = worksheet.Range('b13')['Value']
  # Invalid State - No Selection
  state2 = worksheet.Range('c13')['Value']
  # Zip Code
  zipcode1 = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 13}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  # Invalid Zip Code
  zipcode2 = worksheet.Range("C#{1 + 13}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  # Invalid Zip Code
  zipcode3 = worksheet.Range("D#{1 + 13}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  # Invalid Zip Code
  zipcode4 = worksheet.Range("E#{1 + 13}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #valid NPA
  npa = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 14}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #Valid NXX
  nxx = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 15}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #Valid Creditcard Name
  cardname = worksheet.Range('b17')['Value']
  #Credit Card Type
  cardtype1 = worksheet.Range('b18')['Value']
  #Credit Card Type
  cardtype2 = worksheet.Range('c18')['Value']
  #Invalid Credit Card Number
  creditcardnumber = worksheet.Range('b19')['Value']
  #Credit Card security code
  securitycode1 = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 19}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #invalid Security code
  securitycode2 = worksheet.Range("C#{1 + 19}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #invalid Security code
  securitycode3 = worksheet.Range("D#{1 + 19}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #invalid Security code
  securitycode4 = worksheet.Range("E#{1 + 19}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #Credit Card exp. Month
  expirationmonth = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 20}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #Credit Card exp. year
  expirationyear1 = worksheet.Range("B#{1 + 21}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #Credit Card exp. year invalid
  expirationyear2 = worksheet.Range("C#{1 + 21}")['Text'].strip.to_s
  #Test result If Passd
  pass = worksheet.Range('b24')['Value']
  #Test result If Faild
  fail = worksheet.Range('b25')['Value']
  #Sign-up URL
  url = worksheet.Range('b23')['Value']

  #get hold of the Second worksheet
  worksheet = workbook.Worksheets('Test Case')

  #call the testcases
  testcaseno = worksheet.Range('a1')['Value']#call the testcases
  description = worksheet.Range('b1')['Value']
  expectedresult = worksheet.Range('c1')['Value']
  actualresult = worksheet.Range('d1')['Value']
  passfail = worksheet.Range('f1')['Value']

  #Call the testcase no, test description, expected result from the
testcase sheet

  urlverificationno = worksheet.Range('a3')['Value']
  urlverificationdescription = worksheet.Range('b3')['Value']
  urlverificationexpectedresult = worksheet.Range('c3')['Value']
  urlverificationactualpass = worksheet.Range('d3')['Value']
  urlverificationactualfail = worksheet.Range('e3')['Value']

  #write the test result in the BOOK1
  excel['Visible'] = TRUE;
  workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add();
  excel.Range("a1")['Value'] = testcaseno;
  excel.Range("b1")['Value'] = description;
  excel.Range("c1")['Value'] = expectedresult;
  excel.Range("d1")['Value'] = actualresult;
  excel.Range("e1")['Value'] = passfail;

      puts (urlverificationno)
      puts (urlverificationdescription)
      ie = Watir::IE.new
      test_site = url
      excel.Range("a3")['Value'] = urlverificationno;
      excel.Range("b3")['Value'] = urlverificationdescription;
      excel.Range("c3")['Value'] = urlverificationexpectedresult;
    checkcondition("Choose Plan", "d3", "e3", "Choose plan page is opening
pass", "Choose plan page is not opening fail", "urlverificationactualpass",


      #Verifies that the sign_up page opens if the user hits the URL -"";


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