Hi Parv,

 You should be able to click on it with something like this:

$ie.button(:src, /\/images/prep/new/submit.jpg/).click

* $ie.image(:src, 'http://myDomain.com/images


This control is a button in Watir not an image, the full url isn't listed in
the src attribute of the image, so it needs to refer to whatever is there in
the html.

* $ie.image(:src, /submit/).flash()

It's a button, this might work depending on what else is in your html if you
use $ie.button(....)

* $ie.button(:src => /submit./, :index => 2).click()

Aha, you've now caught the fact that input elements in the latest version of
Watir don't support multiple attributes. If you'd like you can vote for this
issue in Jira as there is a ticket: http://jira.openqa.org/browse/WTR-74

Hope that helps,


On 3/22/07, Parv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please Help, as i'm trying to click on on image (button) that fires an
onClick() event.

Here's html:
<input type="image" src="/images/prep/new/submit.jpg" onClick="sub()">

I have tried the following, but none has worked so far:
* $ie.image(:src, 'http://myDomain.com/images/prep/new/submit.jpg').flash(
* $ie.image(:src, /submit/).flash()
* $ie.button(:src => /submit./, :index => 2).click()

Your help is highly appreciated. Thanks!!!

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