This is something I've started using and I figured others might find it useful.

The main form of testing I have been doing is a 'smoke test'. This is a complex 
test that takes about 20 minutes to setup data to get the expected results at 
the end. The issue i ran into with this is that the system would on occasion 
fail, or I would need to fix certain sections by hand and continue the test. I 
had to figure out a way of 'saving' the state of the test and continuing, thus 

This is a very basic setup, i tried to lay it out in a simple way.

On to the code!

# Setup the basics
require 'watir'
include Watir

# This allows us to use the Ruby Yaml library
require 'yaml'

# The global IE just makes things easy for the test
$ie =

class Google
        # A 'go' function, in my these are the gate keepers of every page
        def go()
                wait_until(5){ $ie.text_field(:name,'q').exists? }
        # for this test, the methods are named steps to make things easy
        def step_1(data)
                @data = data
        def step_2()

# Setup our Google object
google =
google.step_1('search text')

# Convert the Google object to YAML
yaml_string = google.to_yaml

# Create a new object using the YAML and continue
# Note THIS is the magic part. You could save the string to disk or do any 
number of things with it.
google_new = YAML::load(yaml_string)
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