
I'm having the same problem and I was wondering if anybody had found a solution.
My program works well until I click on the download button, and then the popup 
window for saving shows up. It keeps running but doesn't click on the save 
button. I tried the previous code, but it doesn't work... 

ie.button(:value, "Download File").click

autoit = WIN32OLE.new("AutoItX3.Control")
autoit.WinWait("File Download", "", 5)
autoit.ControlClick("File Download", "", "Save")
autoit.WinWait("Save As", "Save &in", 5)
autoit.ControlSetText("Save As", "Save &in", "Edit1", "path\filename.ext")
autoit.ControlClick("Save As", "Save &in", "Save")

Is there something to download to be able to use it in watir?
Can I just include this in my other coding, or do I need to run it aside?

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