I suggest this:

Best is to use Ruby 1.8.2-14 or later.
However, if you are using the Watir::IE#modal_dialog method, you must 
use Ruby 1.8.2-14 and not a more recent version.
Watir (in general) will not work with Ruby 1.8.1-13. (This version of 
Ruby has a bad WIN32OLE library.)

Jeff Fry wrote:
> Thanks. Is this an accurate correction then?
> To Install Ruby:    http://ruby-lang.org
>    Best is to use Ruby 1.8.2-14.
>    Most of Watir works with newer versions of ruby as well, but 
> IE#modal_dialog requires the 1.8.2 WIN32OLE library.
>    It will NOT work with Ruby 1.8.1-13. (This version of Ruby has a 
> bad WIN32OLE library.)
> Jeff
> On 6/8/07, *Charley Baker* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     modal_dialog only works for 1.8.2 currently since that's the
>     version of Ruby that the win32ole.so library was compiled against.
>     Bret added an error if you try to use this feature in newer
>     versions of Ruby. If you need modal_dialog, you're limited to 1.8.2.
>     -c
>     On 6/8/07, *Jeff Fry* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         On 6/8/07, *Bret Pettichord* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>             The IE#modal_dialog command only works with Ruby 1.8.2.
>             You can use the
>             latest version of Watir 1.5.
>         Oops. This may not be clear in the rdocs. To be clear, are you
>         saying that the IE#modal_dialog command works with ruby 1.8.2
>         but not with earlier OR later versions?
>         Currently readme.rb says:
>         Best is to use Ruby 1.8.2-14 or later.
>         Should I change that?
>         -- 
>         http://testingjeff.wordpress.com
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