When I needed to use that snippet, I just left the whole thing in a
separate file, and initiated the cache/cookie cleanup with
system('ruby del_cache.rb')

You could also probably paste the whole blob of code into a new method
and it should work.

It would be possible to do the same work in fewer lines of code, but
you'd have to refactor the script somewhat.

On 6/13/07, reinier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to get rid of all cookies via a function.
> On this forum I found the Snippet thingy.
> http://rubyforge.org/snippet/detail.php?type=snippet&id=26
> So I included that code in my script and trying to use it, but I can't figure 
> out how.
> this is the code:
> [code]
> DeleteUrlCacheEntry = Win32API.new("wininet", "DeleteUrlCacheEntry", ['P'], 
> 'V')
> [/code]
> So what function should be called to delete all the cookies?
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