Ahhh... maybe, just MAYBE, I should try something before I give up and post.

This appeared to work:

> require 'thread'
> require 'watir'
> @var1='pickaxe'
> @var2='axepick'
> @var3='pckexai'
> def test_google(varvar)
>  ie = Watir::IE.start('http://www.google.com')
>  ie.text_field(:name, "q").set(varvar)
>  ie.button(:value, "Google Search").click
>  ie.html
>  ie.close
> end
> a=Thread.new {test_google(@var1)}
> b=Thread.new {test_google(@var2)}
> c=Thread.new {test_google(@var3)}
> a.join
> b.join
> c.join

It's not pretty, and if I wanted 5 or 20 threads it would mean writing these 
lines of code 10 or 40 times.  Must be a cleaner way?
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