Dear all,

We hope you are all well and we extend to you our best, especially to any
who might have been more personally affected by the Coronavirus.

This crisis has required us to consider, for the first time in 23 years,
canceling the annual Porró Open. As of today, it is impossible to predict
with any certainty what will be the situation here four months from now.
After discussing it internally, we have come to the conclusion that at
best, it would be "risky" to plan to bring 200 people together for a hat
tournament such as ours. One of the essential aspects of our tournament has
always been a spirit of unrestrained fun, and this essence would be
challenged in the situation of the pandemic in which we find ourselves. We
believe that given the current context we will have to accept that there
are other priorities.

For these reasons we regret to have to inform you that this year there will
not be a Porró Open.

We hope to see all of you healthy and safe at a fun and unrestrained Porró
Open 2021 !

Bravas & Cremas
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