Vienna is very happy to announce the 5th edition of Vienna ADVENTure Cup 2011: 
Again there we'll be 3 Divisions:
*)Juniors: open, born after 31.12.1991 - 16 Teams
*)Talents: open, but no experience @ EUC, WUC or Nationalteams (except 
Junioren) and 
less than 5 years of Ultimate played. One Trainer per team with more 
experience is allowed. - 16 Teams
*)Women: (no further constraints) - 8 Teams
All divisons will play on an new artifical grass and 5-against-5. 
When: 26.11.2011, 10:00 - 18:00 h
Where: Südstadt, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf, Liese Prokop Platz 1
Teamfee: Open 50 €, Women 40 €, Juniors free, 10 € playersfee
please register before 14.11.2010 here:


Last years result:

Talents Division 

1) Outsiterz 

2) Mosquitos 

3) Chuck Bronson 

4) BBears 

5) Dreh&Trink 

6) Soul Gringos 

7) Morthens 

8) Anti Anti 

9) Mosquito Attacks 

10) Team Gourmet 

11) StackO 

12) LOL 

13) Schleudertraum 

14) Cosmo Disc 

15) Disc Fiction 

16) Gyerejolezs 

17) UWC (SOTG) 

18) Raiders 

19) Augärtner 

20) "Apfelsaft".

Juniors Division 

1) Trouble Band 

2) Mac Awesomses 

3) Helga u. d. Viecher 

4) Awesome Grill Sauce (SOTG) 

5) Outsiterz 

6) Karli u. d. Bienen 

7) Vikings 1 

8) Vikings 2 

9) Unreal Ultimate 

10) Chill Bill 

11) PUB 

12) Awesome Afro

Women Division 1) YeHLayB´s 

2) Fools Box 

3) CiCi Catch 

4) Eyecatchers 

5) LayD´s 

6) Bambi 

7) Box 

8) Unreal princesses(SOTG) 

9) Black Beauties 

10) Hot Pants United 
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