Liebe Wurfpost-Leser, 


Kassa aus Mailand bat mich, seine Turniereinladung an die Wurfpost 
weiterzuleiten. Wer immer fährt: Viel Spaß im schönen Mailand! 


Falko Wall City #47



Good morning ultimate players!
We proudly announce that Discoscalo 2011 will be held on December 3rd/4th in 

> Format

- Indoor mixed tournament 5 vs. 5 (2 women on the line)
- Continuous play
- 3 indoor fields

> Fees

- player fee €30
- team fee €90

> What's included?

- Welcome party on Friday
- 2 breakfasts
- Dinner on Saturday
- Saturday's Party
- Sleeping in the gym

In order to register your team or if you have any questions, please send an 
email to with:

Team name
Your City
Estimated number of players
Thanks and see you soon on the fields!


Kassa & Yappantonio Milano




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