Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 12, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


[Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic spoke to the nation on 
Oct. 2 over radio and television. Below are excerpts from 
that talk, which has been distorted in Western media reports.]

As you know, efforts have been underway for a whole decade 
to place the entire Balkan peninsula under the control of 
some western powers. A big part of that job was done by 
establishing puppet governments in some countries, by 
transforming them into countries with limited sovereignty or 
even deprived of any sovereignty at all.

Due to our resistance to such a fate for our country, we 
were subjected to all forms of pressure to which people in 
the contemporary world can be subjected. The number and 
intensity of the pressures multiplied as time went by. All 
experience the big powers gained in the second half of the 
20th century in overthrowing governments, causing unrest, 
instigating civil wars, disparaging or liquidating national 
freedom fighters, bringing states and nations to the brink 
of poverty--all this was applied to our country and our 

A grouping has for a long time now been present in our midst 
that, under the guise of opposition political parties of 
democratic orientation, represents the interests of 
governments which are the protagonists of pressures against 
Yugoslavia, and especially against Serbia.

That grouping appeared in these elections under the name 
Democratic Oppo sition of Serbia. Its true head is not its 
presidential candidate. Its head for many years has been the 
president of the Democratic Party and collaborator of the 
military alliance that waged a war against our country. He 
could not even conceal his collaboration with that alliance. 
In fact, our entire public knows of his appeal to NATO to 
bomb Serbia for as many weeks as necessary to break its 


The grouping organized in this manner for these elections 
therefore represents the armies and governments that 
recently waged war against Yugoslavia. In representing their 
interests, the grouping launched messages to our public 
that, with them at the head, Yugoslavia would be out of any 
danger of war or violence, that economic prosperity would 
come, the standard of living would improve visibly and 
rapidly, that Yugoslavia would allegedly reintegrate in 
international institutions, and so forth.

Distinguished citizens, it is my duty to warn you publicly 
and in time that such promises are false and that the 
situation is quite different. It is precisely our policy 
that guarantees peace and theirs only lasting conflicts and 
violence. With the establishment of an administration 
supported or installed by a community of countries gathered 
within NATO, Yugoslavia would inevitably become a country 
whose territory would quickly be dismembered.

These are not only NATO's intentions. These are the pre-
election promises of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia.

Within this policy of dismembering Yugoslavia, Kosovo would 
be the first victim. Its present status would be proclaimed 
legal and final. The remaining territory that would bear the 
name Serbia would be occupied by international, U.S. or some 
third military forces, which would treat this territory as 
their military training ground and as their property to be 
controlled in line with the interests of the power whose 
army is present there.

We have been looking at cases of such control and 
consequences thereof for decades, and especially in this 
decade in many countries around the world, unfortunately 
lately even in Europe, for instance in Kosovo, Republika 
Srpska and Mace donia, in our immediate neighborhood.

They do not want peace or prosperity in the Balkans. They 
want this to be a zone of permanent conflicts and wars that 
would provide them with an alibi for their lasting presence.


A great division into a poor majority and a rich minority--
this has been the picture of eastern Europe for some years 
now that we can all see. That picture would also include us. 
We, too, would under the command and control of the owners 
of our country quickly have a tremendous majority of the 
very poor, whose prospects of coming out of their poverty 
would be very, very uncertain and far away.

The rich minority would be constituted by the black 
marketeering elite, which would be allowed to be rich only 
on condition that it be fully loyal to the command which 
decides the fate of their country. Public and social 
property would quickly be transformed into private property, 
but its owners, as demonstrated by the experience of our 
neighbors, would as a rule be foreigners.

Among few exceptions would be only those who would purchase 
their right to ownership by their loyalty and submission, 
which would lead to the elimination of elementary national 
and human dignity. The greatest national assets in such 
circumstances become the property of foreigners, and the 
people who used to manage them would continue to do so in 
these changed circumstances but as employees of foreign 
companies in their own country.

National humiliation, state fragmentation and social poverty 
would necessarily lead to many forms of social pathology, of 
which crime would be the first. This is not just an 
assumption, this is the experience of all countries which 
have taken the path that we are trying to avoid at any cost.

The centers of European crime are no longer in the west, 
they were moved to eastern Europe a decade ago. Our people 
already find it hard to bear the present crime incidence, as 
we lived for a long time--from World War II to the 1990s--in 
a society that hardly knew any crime at all.

One of the essential tasks of a puppet government in any 
country, including ours were we to have such a government, 
is loss of identity. Countries under foreign command 
relatively quickly part with their history, their past, 
their tradition, their national symbols, their way of 
living, often their own literary language. Invisible at 
first, but very efficient and merciless selection of 
national identity would reduce it to a few local dishes, a 
few songs and folk dances, the names of national heroes used 
as brand names for food products or cosmetics.

I would like to stress particularly because of young people, 
intellectuals, scientists, that countries deprived of 
sovereignty are as a rule deprived of the right to creative 
work, and especially creative work in the field of science. 
Large centers and large powers finance scientific work, 
control its attainments and decide about the application of 
its results. Dependent states, if they have scientific 
laboratories and scientific institutes, are not independent 
ones but operate as branches controlled by one center. Their 
attainments must remain within bounds that will not 
introduce in occupied countries and occupied peoples the 
seed of rebellion and emancipation.

At this moment ahead of the run-off elections, because the 
Democratic Opposition of Serbia doubts it can achieve the 
result it needs, leaders of the Democratic Opposition of 
Serbia with money introduced into the country are bribing, 
blackmailing and harassing citizens and organizing strikes, 
unrest and violence in order to stop production, all work 
and every activity.

I considered it my duty to warn the citizens of our country 
about the consequences of the activities financed and 
supported by the governments of NATO countries.

- END -

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