Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Jan. 25, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Sue Davis

Jan. 22 is the 28th anniversary of the Supreme Court's 
historic Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion. But no 
one is celebrating.

Not with President-select George W. Bush appointing arch-
reactionary, racist, anti-choice John Ashcroft to be 
attorney general and anti-welfare Tommy G. Thompson to be 
secretary of health and human services. In those jobs both 
men would function like the proverbial fox guarding the 
chicken coop.

Ashcroft's views on abortion are indicative of his anti-
woman politics. He advocates a constitutional amendment 
banning abortions even when a woman has been raped or is a 
victim of incest.

He opposes a type of late-term abortion that is misnamed 
"partial birth." In fact, Ashcroft is so opposed to women 
gaining any kind of control over their bodies that in the 
Senate he voted against federal funds for types of 
contraception, including IUDs and birth-control pills, that 
the religious right likens to abortion.

Thompson is no better. His anti-welfare Wisconsin Works 
program, known as W-2, forced all welfare recipients to 
work, regardless of their circumstances.

Under W-2 thousands of impoverished mothers--
disproportionately women of color--have been forced to turn 
their children over to the state's foster care service. That 
totally violates women's reproductive rights. In a people's 
court, Thompson would be found guilty of kidnapping.

In response to these appointments women around the country 
are showing their determination to fight for their rights by 
joining the counter-inaugural protests on Jan. 20.

"Women have to take to the streets again," said 
International Action Center activist Marie Jay. "That's what 
won Roe v. Wade years ago.

"We need to take the struggle for women's rights even 
further this time and win things like universal child care 
and health care, paid maternity leaves and full employment.

"Of course all women won't have reproductive freedom until 
we also end racism, domestic violence and oppression of 
lesbians," Jay explained. "But Bush, Ashcroft and Thompson 
can be sure of one thing--the struggle will continue until 
we win."

- END -

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