Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 26, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


[Excerpts from an article in Granma about an April 16 speech 
by Fidel Castro.]

Cuban President Fidel Castro ... warned that the Latin 
American nations are at the point of being devoured by the 
United States, in a reference to the upcoming meeting in 
Quebec to discuss a free trade agreement for the hemisphere.

During the densely packed event--in the same historic corner 
in Havana when Fidel announced, 40 years ago, the definitive 
direction of the revolutionary process--the Cuban president, 
accompanied by the historical leaders of this process and 
youth leaders from the present generation, arrived bearing a 
rifle similar to the kind used at that time.

He affirmed that at the upcoming hemispheric meeting, the 
hegemonic superpower will try to dictate the conditions for 
the surrender of the Latin American governments.

He called attention to the fact that "the United States 
wishes to bring forward the feast, the privileges that are 
an attempt to close the way to commercial competition and 
investment from Europe and the industrialized countries of 

He commented that the U.S. government prefers to negotiate 
separately with each country, exploiting economic weakness, 
unequal development, contradictions among those nations and 
the desperate situation that has provoked an enormous 
external debt.

He argued that given the region's relations of total 
dependence on the United States and the international 
financial institutions, "some of them are in no condition to 
put up resistance; others are unaware of the danger of 
absorption threatening them, or do not want to put up any 
resistance whatsoever." Nonetheless, not all of them are 
prepared to be simply gobbled up, and there will be 

For the Cuban president the most urgent task for political 
and social leaders, economists and progressive 
intellectuals, all the forces of the left, is to create an 
awareness, to denounce the voracity of U.S. imperialism and 
the risk faced by the Latin American and Caribbean peoples.

"We know that Latin America and the Caribbean can be 
devoured but not digested," Fidel noted in allusion to 
reactions to the consequences of the Free Trade Area of the 
Americas which would intensify the gravity of the region's 
social ills, "which can never be solved in that way and will 
become more dramatic."

In his speech, Fidel enumerated the massive social 
advantages of 42 years of socialism, but affirmed that Cuba 
aspires to higher goals. "The socialism that we conceive of 
today is far superior to our dreams at that time," he said.

"Without socialism, Cuba could not have resisted the 
hostility of nine U.S. presidents who ... were hostile or 
extremely aggressive toward our country."

Referring to the new resident of the White House, Fidel 
observed that, judging by the first steps taken in the 
international sphere and the language of his advisors and 
his allies among the Miami terrorist mafia, we could be 
facing a bellicose administration totally lacking in ethics.

And he warned that anyone attempting to take possession of 
Cuba would have no alternative other than to perish in the 
battle, thereby adapting the words of Antonio Maceo, a 
leader of the Cuban independence wars, to current 

For Fidel Castro's writings on globalization, order his 
book, "Capitalism in Crisis: Globalization and World 
Politics Today," available from leftbooks.com

- END -

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