Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 26, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Leslie Feinberg
Cheektowaga, N.Y.

Placards held aloft outside the Walden Galleria mall here 
for motorists to see articulated the demands that are 
driving an economic boycott of this sprawling retail and 
entertainment complex:

Stop racist profiling. Stop racist police brutality.

No justice, no peace. Jim Crow must go.

All day long on April 14--the second Saturday in a row--anti-
racist protesters came to spend time bolstering the boycott. 
Even with a constant turnover, as many as 80 people at a 
time, the majority African American, delivered the message 
outside the Walden Galleria mall: Don't shop here!

The audible response from drivers of all nationalities 
blaring their car, taxi, bus and truck horns in support 
created a continuous cacophony of welcome noise. Those who 
had been on the previous week's picket agreed that the 
response from motorists this time was even more 

Some who came to shop stopped to join the picket instead. 
Some bus drivers opened vehicle doors to shout out 
encouragement. Some drivers pulled off on this busy highway 
to express their solidarity and get more information about 
this anti-apartheid struggle.

One African American driver stopped to hand out buckets of 
chicken, big bottles of soda pop, a roll of paper towels and 
hand-wipes for clean up--enough for everyone on the picket 

Black civil-rights leaders have called for a month-long 
April boycott of establishments in this virtually all-white 
Buffalo suburb where patrons have experienced racist 

Town officials have tried to pooh-pooh the boycott's 
effectiveness. But since even disparaging remarks about the 
anti-racist struggle help publicize it, such remarks 
indicate their anxiety.

Mall owners blinked. They have now agreed to meet during the 
week of April 23 with the Coalition Against Racial 
Injustice, which called the boycott. That will follow a 
planned April 18 meeting with town officials and police.


Complaints about management and security targeting Black 
shoppers at the mall--the biggest in western New York--have 
piled sky high. The coalition is documenting and compiling 
these complaints.

No one will forget that here, on the broad, seven-lane 
highway the picketers face, Cynthia Wiggins died tragically 
and needlessly in December 1995.

Wiggins--a young Black mother--was hit by a truck while 
trying to cross Walden Avenue on her way to work at the 
mall. The bus she took from a predominantly Black community 
in Buffalo was not allowed to stop on mall property.

Lawyers for her estate argued that the reason for barring 
the bus from stopping at the mall was to discourage inner-
city residents from shopping there. Mall owner Pyramid Corp. 
settled the lawsuit for $2.55 million in November 1999.

On April 14 an older man pointed to the sign that read 
"Justice for Cynthia Wiggins." He said, "It's that sign 
there I want."

That man was Mr. Leonard Wiggins--Cynthia Wiggin's father.

The Rev. Darius Pridgen, one of the leaders of the Coalition 
Against Racial Injustice, introduced Leonard Wiggins as a 
special guest. The crowd drew close to hear his words.

Leonard Wiggins explained that he came to show his support 
and when he got there, he was so happy to see the sign that 
read "Justice for Cynthia Wiggins." He said, "We really have 
to keep fighting one day at a time, and one day this will 
all end."

Wiggins said that it was because of
the struggle around his daughter's death that buses are now 
allowed to stop on mall property.

At that moment, a bus drove out of the mall parking lot. 
Many in the crowd pointed to it and shouted: "Look, there it 
is. That's the same bus line Cynthia rode the day she was 

Rev. Pridgen pointed to the lawn on which everyone stood. 
"Look around," he said, "there are still no sidewalks here. 
They don't want people walking around here."

The shopping mall is just one business in this suburban 
labyrinth of major department stores, supermarkets and 
bookstores--all separated by this broad, dangerous highway. 
Those without cars have to traverse Walden Avenue on foot, 
with only breathless seconds to sprint across the lanes of 
dense traffic before the red light changes to green.

Institutionalized racism, rampant and ferocious, is not 
confined to mall property, however.

Three women of African descent who took part in today's 
protest had lived in Georgia, Texas and Brooklyn, N.Y. All 
three now attend the University of Buffalo law school.

They said that they had never experienced as much racist 
profiling until they came to Buffalo.

One of them talked about a fellow student using a pay phone 
in Cheektowaga. Six police cars screeched up and police 
jumped out to interrogate her as a "suspected drug dealer."

On this early spring day in Buffalo two placards held up 
high for everyone to see eloquently spelled out how to win 
this battle: "United we stand, divided we fall. Stand 
against racism!"

- END -

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