Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 22, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


The Pentagon has admitted that it silenced the Arab 
television service Al-Jazeera by blowing up its Kabul office 
with a missile on Nov. 12. Just minutes before the bomb hit, 
Tasir Alouni, Kabul correspondent of what the Associated 
Press describes as "the Arab world's most respected 
television channel," was abducted and beaten by unknown 
assailants. Could there possibly be a more blatant act of 
suppression of the press? Yet this is exactly what the U.S. 
did in the last war, when it destroyed Belgrade television 
with a direct bomb hit. Now the Bush administration is 
spared the embarrassment of people around the world seeing 
the real pictures of the war: dead bodies of women, children 
and men, casualties of its terror bombing campaign.

- END -

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