Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 17, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


It was July 1, the day of the Baltimore bus boycott to protest an 
increase in fares. At 4 a.m., before the sun was up, volunteers with the 
All Peoples Congress set out to drive along several bus routes, picking 
up workers along the way. The group pictured here were among those 
traveling along the No. 8 bus line from Coldspring Avenue and York Road 
to the No. 64 line to Curtis Bay. Their van and cars stopped to pick up 
workers going to downtown hospitals and factories along the waterfront.

While Baltimore's Mass Transit Autho rity would not offer any figures on 
how many people rode the buses that day, many attending the All Peoples 
Congress meeting two days later had opinions. Renee Washington, a state 
worker, reported that many of her fellow workers said they had 
boycotted. "The parking lot was crowded this morning because workers 
were taking their cars in protest and offering others rides to work." 
Others reported that bus stops and buses looked empty.

Organizers felt their call to action was a huge success. Local 
television programs carried news of the boycott, including live coverage 
in the morning. The group also plans to mobilize defense for nine people 
arrested at a June 27 protest, when police tried to intimidate the crowd 
for having a bullhorn. One of them, union organizer Jeff Bigelow, is 
facing a 10-year sentence on assault charges. --Sharon Ceci

- END -

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