Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 17, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

The Bush administration has sent a military team of 32 Marines and
specialists to Liberia to assess whether the U.S. should send more
troops to this impoverished West African country. The reason given is
that they may be necessary to end the civil war that has plagued this
country for more than a decade. The real reason is oil.

President George W. Bush has repeatedly said that he will accept nothing
less than the departure of the elected president of Liberia, Charles

On July 6 Taylor met with the president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo,
at the airport outside the Liberian capital of Monrovia, where an
agreement was made to provide Taylor temporary asylum in Nigeria if he

Taylor helped to lead a rebellion against the previous Liberian
president, Samuel Doe. The rebellion lasted from the late 1980s until
the mid 1990s, even though Doe was assassinated in 1990. Taylor was
elected president in 1997 and has faced armed opposition to his
presidency since 1999.

The real prospect that U.S. troops will be sent to Liberia comes at a
time when Bush is on his first trip to Africa. He plans to visit five
countries within five days: Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Uganda and
Nigeria. South Africa and Botswana are among the countries in the world
with the highest percentages of people living with the HIV virus and

Bush is using the carrot and stick maneuver, offering billions of
dollars in aid to pressure each country to open its markets to U.S.
imports and its military and police to collaboration with the U.S. in
the so-called war against terrorism. Washington heavily subsidizes U.S.
agribusinesses. If African countries were to change their agricultural
policies and allow in unlimited quantities of cheap U.S. agricultural
products, local farmers would be destroyed.

The U.S. military presence in Africa is more ominous than ever. Rapid
deployment troops and semi-permanent forces from the Army, Air Force and
Marines are now stationed or will be stationed in the Horn of Africa as
well as countries in North and West Africa. A command base with 2,000
troops was established in Djibouti in May.

Lisa Hoffman of Scripps Howard News Service wrote on June 13: "Little
noticed among the Pentagon's plans to radically reshape the U.S.
military presence overseas is the groundbreaking possibility of basing
thousands of American troops in or around West Africa.

"Under discussion: everything from positioning a U.S. aircraft carrier
battle group off Africa's vast west coast to establishing one or more
forward operating bases in Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Equatorial Guinea or
the tiny island nation of Sao Tome and Principe.

"The spurs for what may prove an unprecedented U.S. military beachhead
in sub-Saharan Africa are the region's instability, potential
attractiveness to terrorists and, most pivotal, its rich oil resources,
Pentagon officials and Africa experts say.

"As much as 15 percent of America's oil now comes from West Africa--
about the amount imported from Saudi Arabia. By next year, the West
African portion is expected to jump to 20 percent."

The U.S. seeks to overtake its European imperialist rivals as the
dominant power in areas of Africa where oil is plentiful, like Nigeria.

Nigeria is home to one-fourth of the people living in sub-Saharan
Africa. It also has one of the world's largest oil reserves.

The Nigerian people do not control the oil wealth of their country. Big
oil conglomerates such as Chevron-Texaco and Shell make tremendous
profits exporting millions of barrels of oil from Nigeria to other parts
of the world while the Nigerian masses remain extremely poor. The
average annual per capita income of Nigeria is only $290.

The Nigerian Labor Congress just organized a powerful general strike
against the skyrocketing price of gasoline, which lasted several days
before the government offered a compromise.


Liberia's population is less than 4 million people. According to UNICEF
August 2002 statistics, the poverty rate is 85 percent and the extreme
poverty rate is 55 percent. Per capita income is less than $100 per

News accounts say a sector of the Liberian masses look to foreign
intervention, including U.S. troops, to help bring an end to the
bloodshed and bring economic relief to their country. Some of this hope
may be rooted in what some perceive as long-time close relations between
Liberia and the U.S.

The U.S. history books and the big business press claim that Liberia was
founded in 1822 by freed slaves who migrated from the U.S. But that
theory is disputed. There is evidence to show that the American
Colonization Society, a group of whites including slaveowners, bought
land in Liberia in 1817 for next to nothing.

One of the most prominent of these slave owners was Francis Scott Key,
credited with writing the words of the Star Spangled Banner, the U.S.
national anthem. Another slaveowning member of the ACS was William
Thornton, an amateur architect who designed the U.S. Capitol. It was
mainly slaves who built that historic building and others in Washington,
D.C., and Philadelphia.

Former slaves were encouraged to emigrate to Liberia by the ACS, not to
escape the horrors of slavery but to keep them from fighting for the
right to jobs, education and political representation that whites on the
whole had won. In other words, the ACS, seeing that the days of their
slavocracy were numbered, mapped out this strategy in order to undermine
the potential that former slaves might win democratic rights, including
receiving 40 acres and a mule from the federal government.

In the 1920s the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. got a 99-year lease for 1
million acres of Liberian land at 6 cents per acre per year. Its
Liberian rubber plantation became the company's main source of profit
while Liberia sunk deeper into poverty.


Bush and the Pentagon claim that the only motive for sending U.S. troops
into Liberia would be to help bring about "stability and democracy" for
the war-weary Liberian people. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The real truth lies in the U.S. wanting to control the most important
world resource--oil.

Liberia could be a jumping-off place for U.S. troops to control the
nearby Gulf of Guinea. Vast untapped oil reserves were recently
discovered there. Whatever imperialist power controls this strategically
oil-rich region will be in the position to dramatically increase its oil
markets. For the U.S., this could mean a 25-percent increase in oil
imports from Africa.

Nigeria and the former Portuguese col ony of Sao Tome and Principe are
located on the Gulf of Guinea. So is Ivory Coast, which is in the midst
of a civil war instigated by its former French oppressors.

Kayode Fayemi, the leader of the Center for Democracy and Development
based in Lagos, Nigeria, stated, "The focus on oil in the Gulf of Guinea
would probably ensure that the United States looks the other way when it
comes to human rights, account ability and transparency. In Nigeria, the
example of that would be how does the United States respond to campaigns
from local communities for equitable and local management of resources."
(NY Times, July 6)

The U.S. government certainly did not offer any support over a year ago
for the justifiable takeovers of oil facilities in the Niger Delta
organized by defiant Nigerian women, who demanded that the oil
conglomerates fund jobs and educational opportunities for their sons. A
Nigerian paper, This Day, reported that the U.S. may be deploying troops
to the Niger Delta to "protect" oil facilities there.

Bush's quest for endless war cannot be separated from what is going on
in Liberia, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Bush is
accusing Taylor of instigating war crimes in neighboring Sierra Leone,
but it is Bush who is the biggest war criminal of all.

Bush envisions himself as a modern-day emperor, similar to the rulers of
the vicious Roman empire, and the majority of the world as an appendage
of U.S. corporations.

- END -

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