Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 24, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


Dear Readers:

A couple of months ago we put an ad asking for funds in this newspaper
and got a gratifying response. Thanks so much to those who sent in

This is addressed to all our subscribers and to the many tens of
thousands who read Workers World online. We need your help again, just
as you need our facts and analysis again and again. It takes a lot of
time, work and resources to put out a well-researched, -written and -
edited newspaper every week. You know how the commercial, pro-capitalist
news media do it. Their news stories are just the wrapping around the
real stuff: ads. They pay their bills that way, and it makes them
dependent on the corporate system.

We often hear from you that you think WW is the best paper on the left.
It's not that we're the most professional or have the most journalistic
training. Most of our writers are not journalists but activists in the
many areas of struggle we cover. But what makes us different is our
total independence from the capitalist establishment, including its
liberal institutions.

We don't survive on foundation grants or paid advertising. We're too
radical for them, anyway. We're the folks who are constantly being
attacked by the right and even some liberals, because we won't join in
with the demonizing of whatever country or leader is in U.S.
imperialism's sights. We think the social movements that are developing
right now need to be more militant, not less. And we won't bow down to
capitalism as an eternal system, one that just needs a little fixing. We
promote the struggle of the multinational working class for socialism,
because it's the only way out of the hell capitalism has created.

How do we get by? Partly on the donated labor of our staff, from editors
and writers to the hard-working people who every week enter names into
the computer, put on the address labels and take the bundles to the post
office. That doesn't cover the printing, however, or the rent or phones
or web site or all the expenses that go with running an office. Our
subscription price is low--the paper is actually mailed free to
prisoners--so workers can afford it. So covering most of our expenses
depends on the contributions of our supporters.

So it's time again to ask you to dig in your pockets or write a check.
And we'll probably be after you again in the not too distant future--
because the bills always keep coming. One way you could help keep us on
an even keel is to join the WW Supporter Program, listed below. That way
you can rather painlessly make a contribution each month. You can even
do it with your credit card. That helps us to budget, too.

Thanks for your help.

Deirdre Griswold, Editor

- END -

(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not
allowed. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY,
NY 10011; via e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscribe wwnews-
voice of resistance http://www.workers.org/orders/donate.php)

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