Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 31, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By G. Dunkel

It may have been only a spat between Republicans and Democrats when, on 
July 18, House Republican leaders on the committee handling pension 
reform called in the cops after Democrats walked out in protest over 
Republican changes to new legislation. But it was no charade. Hundreds 
of billions of dollars are at stake.

Not that the Democrats went to the mat to protect workers' interests. 
They just wanted to prevent the Republicans from ramming through a bill 
that would damage their allies in the business world.

The major issue is a change in the law and regulations concerning 
private pensions. A Democratic bill would have forced the 32,300 
companies offering traditional pensions to set aside $200 billion over 
the next 10 years. A Republican substitute bill reduced that to $48 

Watson Wyatt Corp. estimates that 63 percent of these traditional plans 
don't have enough money to meet their obligations to workers.

Basically, the companies, having made lots of profit off these workers 
over the years, have used the workers' pension money for other things. 
They have invested some of it on the stock market, and had losses. They 
have used some of it to expand in order to knock out their competition, 
only to find that everyone else expanded too, and now they've outgrown 
the market. This is typical of capitalist firms in a period of boom, and 
leads directly to recession.

Now they don't want to dip into other funds to meet their obligations to 
retired workers. Companies in some industries, like the airlines, which 
have $22 billion in unfunded pension obligations, say they might go 
under or out of business if they have to make these payments. The 
companies are even resisting calls to provide more timely information to 
their covered employees.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. is a federal agency that insures the 
pension plans of 44 million workers and retirees. When a company can't 
meet its pension obligations, the PBGC is supposed to step in. It 
reported in 2002 "a net loss of $11.4 billion, the largest in the 
pension-insurer's 28-year history" (Wall Street Journal, Jan. 31), and 
blamed much of the losses on bankrupt steel companies. The workers in 
Bethlehem Steel's pension plan also suffered a severe loss when 
Bethlehem went bankrupt and PBGC took over pension payments. They got 
far less than they were entitled to.

The PBGC estimates that today company pension plans are "underfunded" 
the tune of $300 billion; as recently as 1999 that figure was only $23 

A pension is not a gift from an employer to reward faithful service. It 
is salary retained by the boss that is supposed to provide income for 
workers when they cannot or no longer want to work. In many countries, 
all pensions are publicly guaranteed and administered, but not here.

In the United States, the government plan paid to almost all workers is 
Social Security, but for many workers it doesn't cover even basic 
expenses. Many workers rely on private pensions to provide the bulk of 
retirement income as well as significant medical benefits.

Workers have earned their pensions and have a right to them. Bosses 
should not be able to play financial games with the connivance and 
agreement of the government.

A real reform would not only force companies to pay what they've 
promised--it would force them to pay a fair pension that reflected the 
true value of what the workers produced for the company and would 
guarantee that every worker can retire in comfort and dignity.

- END -

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