Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 7, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

The Bush administration and the U.S. military high command are urgently 
trying to change the subject from the Iraqi quagmire to the hunt for 
Saddam Hussein. In this endeavor they are being aided by a round-the-
clock media campaign that breathlessly reports each new set of raids, 
each new "waterfall" of information, and each new capture of a family 
member or bodyguard of Saddam.

This is a follow-up to the brutal display of the mutilated bodies of 
Uday and Qusay Hussein shown over and over again on every television 
news show and widely displayed in the tabloid print media. The 
explanation for this display was ostensibly to convince the Iraqi people 
that the sons of Saddam were dead. In fact, the Bush administration made 
the decision--Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld himself publicly took 
personal responsibility for it--for a number of reasons.

First, it was an attempt to bolster the sagging political fortunes of 
Bush as the administration was coming under increasing fire for its lies 
about weapons of mass destruction, especially its false claims about an 
Iraqi uranium purchase from the African country of Niger.

Second, it was an attempt by the right-wing group in the Pentagon headed 
by Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz to regain the 
political initiative after being criticized for lack of military 
preparedness in dealing with the Iraqi resistance and bungling of the 

And third, it was reminiscent of the Roman legions contemptuously 
bringing to Rome the heads of defeated enemy leaders, or of the British 
colonialists putting the heads of rebels on stakes. It was an act of 
pure triumphal, imperialist terrorism calculated to demoralize the anti-
colonial resistance fighters and their sympathizers.

For the moment, the capitalist media have allowed the death of Uday and 
Qusay and the hunt for Saddam to heavily compete with, if not drown out, 
the fact that the Pentagon reported on July 29 that the number of U.S. 
soldiers who have died in Iraq since May 1 has reached 108, of which at 
least 50 are combat deaths. At least 14 were killed just in the 
preceding week, and many more have been wounded in the 10 to 20 attacks 
per day on U.S. forces.

The U.S. military has stepped up its raids and is breaking into more and 
more houses, brutalizing more and more people, and making more and more 
enemies. The military has taken thousands of prisoners in the last six 
weeks of continuous and escalating raids.


As the high command stepped up its hot pursuit after the killing of Uday 
and Qusay Hussein, elite soldiers from Task Force 20 massacred five 
civilians who were driving in the area of a raid on the house of Prince 
Rabiah Huhamed al-Habib's house in the wealthy Mansur district of 
Baghdad. Three separate cars simply driving in the area were fired on 
and passengers killed.

"The first vehicle to get unlucky," wrote the Guardian of July 29, "was 
a Chevrolet Malibu. For some reason the driver did not stop as he 
approached the road block and the soldiers opened fire." Two passengers 
returning home were killed. "Fifteen minutes later, a Toyota Corona 
being driven by a man called Mazin, who was disabled and walked with the 
aid of a frame, arrived in the area. His wife was in the passenger seat 
and his teenage son in the back. ... Mazin made the mistake of turning 
right towards the roadblock. A bullet blew the right half of his head 
off. ...

"The next victim...was not even driving towards the roadblock," 
continued the Guardian. "Instead, he had been traveling on a main road 
more than 150 yards away when he slowed down to see what the commotion 
was. Two bullets hit him in the chest."

Task Force 20, which carried out this massacre, is a special favorite of 
Rumsfeld and the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Myers. This 
task force is composed of Special Forces and CIA agents. It was 
responsible for the massacre of a number of Iraqis killed near the 
Syrian border recently in a highly secretive raid that yielded nothing.

CNN and other networks have carried quick shots of raids in the middle 
of the night that show prisoners blindfolded, hands behind their backs, 
and crying women and children. Sometimes the women's mouths are taped 
shut to keep them from screaming.

On July 28, U.S. troops moved into Baghdad University to evict students 
from two of their dorms. The military said the dorms could be used for 
"possible attack on their nearby compound." (www.news9sanantonio.com) 
Troops fired shots in the air, but the students refused to move. Instead 
they "shouted abuse at the troops" and blocked the entrance. They were 
eventually pushed out after being given 20 minutes to leave by heavily 
armed soldiers.

This pattern of brutality, driven by the high command, is spreading and 
reinforcing the anti-colonial hatred of the Iraqi people. Even as the 
U.S. forces went to kill Uday and Qusay, they sent missiles and bullets 
crashing through neighboring houses, angering the local population.


But the White House and the Pentagon are hoping against hope that if 
they can capture or kill Saddam Hussein, their problems will be over. 
This is in line with their thinking that the resistance is directed by 
"die-hard" Baathists fighting to hold on to the past.

However, Jonathan Steele, a reporter for the London Guardian who has 
been in Iraq throughout the war and the occupation, published a lengthy 
article on July 25 warning the U.S. imperialists. It was entitled 
"Resistance Has Its Roots in the Present."

"U.S. officials tend to argue that some Iraqis are hesitating to work 
with them out of fear that the old regime might one day return," wrote 
Steele. "The deaths of its leaders will lift the curtain of fear, it is 

"Conversations with Iraqis undermined this argument. It was hard to find 
many who seriously believed the old regime had any chance of returning 
to power even before the events in Mosul," he said, referring to the 
killing of Uday and Qusay.

What is really driving Iraqis into opposition is "disappointment at the 
lack of security, the collapse of public order, problems with water and 
electricity, fear of unemployment, as well as the indignity of seeing 
foreign troops on their streets," wrote Steele.

"U.S. officials seem unwilling to accept or admit this in public. It is 
easier to claim that the resistance comes from 'remnants of the past' 
than recognize that it is fueled by grievances about the present and 
doubts about the future."

During a July 25 radio interview conducted by Amy Goodman on Pacifica 
radio's Democracy Now show, Robert Fisk, a widely read correspondent for 
the London Independent, talked about the aftermath of the killing of 
Saddam's sons.

"Everybody I spoke to today," Fisk told Goodman, "without exception, 
including the most mild-mannered middle class people, including the 
father of my own driver, who is a friend of mine, all said the Americans 
must go--they must go now. We don't accept occupational forces of this 
country. I noticed out at the Dora yesterday, which is a long main 
highway near the power station that runs along the Tigris River, a new 
graffiti had gone up in red paint--very close to the scene of an ambush 
of an American Humvee a little earlier on in the day. And it said on it, 
'There are 27,000 warriors from the al-Jabura tribe--a tribe close to 
the clan of Saddam Hussein--who are ready to threaten and throw the 
Americans out of Iraq.'"

At the end of the interview with Good man, Fisk summed up: "What I saw 
gave me the impression that they [the U.S.] were losing the hearts and 
minds, not winning the hearts and minds. At the end of the day, that is 
what the Americans are going to deal with--a hostile population. It's 
not about Saddam anymore."


The fixation on eliminating Saddam as the ultimate solution to the 
problem of stabilizing the occupation, and the illusion that this will 
ultimately secure Washington's colonial rule over Iraq, flows from the 
original flawed conception of "regime change"promoted by the right-wing 
neo-conservative grouping that is driving the empire-building foreign 
policy of the Bush administration.

The conception promoted by the Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Richard 
Perle grouping, a conception which was actually embodied in the military 
plan, was that the use of massive air attacks directed strategically at 
"regime" targets and causing "shock and awe" would so terrorize the high 
command that the effect would be to "decapitate" the political and 
military structure. Generals would defect and bring over their troops. 
Perhaps they would assassinate Saddam in order to save their own skins.

The vast majority of the people hated Saddam, according to this theory, 
and, finally given the chance, would welcome the imperialist armies with 
open arms as liberators. The anti-Saddam masses would rise up against 
the government, particularly in the south. A highly mobile U.S. ground 
force would take the airfields, rush to Baghdad and secure the capital, 
while the British would march to a warm welcome in Basra. Special Forces 
would play the decisive role in securing the oil fields and in taking 
out "regime targets" based upon intelligence. The whole process would be 
coordinated from central command using complex computer networks.

The high-tech "precision bombing" of "regime targets" would minimize 
civilian casualties, making it politically easier to occupy the country. 
It would also minimize damage to the infrastructure, reducing the cost 
of post-war reconstruction and facilitating the economic takeover.

A set of chosen political leaders would be imported to join up with 
collaborators inside the country. They and a host of Iraqi elite 
technicians and administrators, organized and trained by the State 
Depart ment and the Pentagon, would advise in running various ministries 
and other public institutions revamped to serve the new colonial 

But as soon as the invasion started, so did the resistance. It took over 
a week to take the port of Um Qasr, a municipality of 4,000 which the 
U.S had expected to overrun in less than four hours. And it went that 
way all the way up to Karbala and beyond. As Lt. Gen. William Wallace, 
at that time commander of the U.S. Army's 5th Corps, which supplied the 
ground troops, said, "We did not war game for this" and "We had to fight 
every inch of the way."

A debate immediately broke out about the level of U.S. forces. Charges 
were hurled at Rumsfeld that he had "underestimated the number of troops 
needed." That was a false way to pose the question then, just as it is 
now, under the occupation. All the civilian and military authorities 
that drew up and agreed to the plan really underestimated the Iraqi 
masses. And that is what led them to make a run to Baghdad without 
securing their supply lines, having to fight their way across bridges 
and past towns and villages.

By the end of the invasion thousands of civilians had been killed, even 
though Baghdad itself was taken without a great deal of resistance. 
Schools, hospitals, public buildings and residential areas had been 
bombed or shelled from the ground. The phone system was destroyed, the 
electrical system was out; the water system was inoperable and fuel 
lines were destroyed. The infrastructure was in ruins.


All the projections based upon a surgical "regime change" were up in 
smoke. Despite the failure to defend Baghdad, there was no formal 
surrender by anyone. Troops melted away and sections of them regrouped 
to organize the resistance.

As a matter of revolutionary strategy, Marxists pay close attention to 
the distinction between a regime and a state. In the matter of colonial 
conquest, this distinction turned out to be crucial for the neocons. 
What the U.S. imperialists found in their Iraqi adventure is that they 
could not simply change the government to one of their liking and 
reorient Iraqi society towards imperialism and "free market" capitalism. 
Nor could they just change the form of the existing state.

They could not simply get rid of Saddam and his close allies and then 
proceed to take over the administration of Iraq using the remaining bulk 
of the state structure. In order to conquer Iraq they had to destroy the 
entire state, including not only government leaders but the military and 
the state administration. And they discovered that, whatever the 
attitude of the Iraqis toward Saddam, the vast majority are united in 
opposition to the U.S. occupation.

The Iraqi state as it existed before the U.S. invasion pre-dates the 
regime of Saddam Hussein. Despite its many changes and the ebbs and 
flows of Iraqi politics, it was based on a deep-going anti-colonial 
revolution. During and after the revolution of 1958, the remnants of the 
old monarchy, the pro-imperialist elements tied to British and U.S. 
imperialists, were largely destroyed. Feudalism was rooted out and 
landlordism was weakened through land distributions. Above all, the 
natural resources, including the oil, were taken over and used for 
national development after decades of exploitation by British, French 
and U.S. oil monopolies.

This revolution took place 10 years before Saddam became president. 
Despite the reactionary character of many of his domestic policies and 
his war against Iran, and after years of unsuccessful attempts by 
Washington to undermine and overthrow him for motives that included 
seizing oil and military bases and undermining the Palestinian struggle, 
the Iraqi state still remained the final bulwark against a U.S. takeover 
of the country.

The effect of the 1958 revolution, even though it remained within 
capitalist confines, was to lift Iraq from the condition of dire 
poverty, underdevelopment and colonial dependence to the status of 
political independence under a bourgeois nationalist regime. The 
revolution laid the basis for modernization, education and a rise in the 
standard of living of the masses after conditions of super-exploitation 
under British rule.

Now Washington is struggling to construct a completely new state--one 
which must have some semblance of independence in order to succeed, but 
will, at the same time, be completely subordinate to the interests of 
the U.S. transnational corporations and the Pentagon. It has to do this 
and at the same time cultivate a broad social base in a population that 
is growing more hostile every day.

This is a far cry from the simple "regime change" contemplated by the 
Bush administration.

This perspective will take vast resources and a protracted, iron-fisted 
military occupation. Putting an end to Saddam is not going to solve 
these monumental problems. If the U.S. should succeed in doing away with 
him, it may just be the beginning of greater problems for the 
occupation. The forces that will continue to drive the Iraqi people to 
resist in larger numbers over time are deeply rooted in material 
conditions and historical tradition.

And, looking down the road at the empire-building plans drawn up by the 
Bush administration and its ruling class backers, it should be pointed 
out that all the other governments on the top of Wash ington's hit list 
are likely to pose even greater difficulties for U.S. imperialism.

The Iranian people, despite contradictions within Iranian society, 
remember all too well who put the Shah on the throne in the CIA coup 
d'etat of 1953 and built up the Savak secret police torture regime that 
enforced the rule of the U.S. military and oil companies in that 

The people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea remember who 
divided Korea and waged a war that killed millions, destroying every 
building over one story in the country from 1950 to 1953. They still 
face daily threats of renewed war from U.S. troops in the south and from 
the Pentagon air and naval forces, armed with nuclear weapons, that 
surround their country.

The same goes for the people of Cuba, whose revolution put an end to 60 
years of U.S. corporate domination and poverty for the mass of the 
people. They remember the tyranny of Fulgencio Batista, the U.S. puppet 
and butcher who enforced the rule of the U.S. sugar companies and the 
rest of the corporate vultures who plundered Cuba for so many years.

All these countries are the product of historically recent revolutions, 
socialist in the case of Cuba and the DPRK, bourgeois nationalist in the 
case of Iraq and Iran. None of them will simply submit to "regime 
change." The masses and the cadres of these countries have arms, 
military training and hatred of imperialism.

The Bush Doctrine of regime change (a fancy phrase for "overthrowing the 
government") and pre-emptive war has run into the resistance of the 
Iraqi people. Even if the Pentagon, through massive repression, is able 
to temporarily push back the resistance, it will become clear to 
everyone that what the U.S. administration came for is the oil and the 
markets and cheap labor and military bases and all the things that led 
the masses to throw out the British colonialists in 1958. But this time 
around the people are on a much higher level--culturally, technically 
and militarily.

While all signs are for a deepening crisis in Washington, the ruling 
class has a strong tendency toward adventurism and aggression. The Bush 
administration may be prone to lash out and expand into a new adventure 
as a way of overcoming its present predicament.

But, as an experiment in empire-building, the U.S adventure in Iraq 
should give pause to the ruling class. This war is bringing growing 
discontent among U.S. troops, who have been thrust into a sea of 
militant resistance and popular hatred. They are being forced into the 
role of occupation storm troopers.

Meanwhile, at home, states are going bankrupt, unemployment is rising 
despite the so-called "recovery," big business is defaulting on pension 
plans, social services are being cut, and GIs will be coming home to 
gain respite from the resistance in Iraq only to find economic hardship. 
Such conditions can only lead to resistance and struggle by the working 
class, which is being forced to not only fight the imperialists' wars, 
but pay for them, too.

- END -

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