Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 10, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto

For over two weeks in May the Israeli military carried out a massive
assault in the densely populated and occupied Gaza Strip, especially the
southern town of Rafah at the Egyptian border. They killed dozens of
Palestinians and wounded hundreds with rockets, tank shells, machine gun
rounds and sniper fire.

The ultra-right Israeli Premier Ariel Sharon ordered this assault even
as he pro moted a plan that is ostensibly to remove Israeli settlements
from Gaza. He is in a battle with other right-wing members of his Likud
Party over what tactics to apply to make the Israeli occupation of
Palestine succeed.

According to Palestinian medical caregivers, most of the dead and
wounded in Gaza were civilians, many of them children. In addition, the
Israeli military used bulldozers and explosives to destroy hundreds of
homes and make thousands of Palestinians homeless.

Amnesty International has demanded an investigation into the deaths of
Asma al-Mughayr, 16 years old, and her 13-year-old brother, Ahmad. The
two children were shot dead on May 18 on the roof terrace of their home
in Rafah. Each was killed by a single bullet to the head.

According to the Israeli anti-war movement Gush Shalom, evidence
indicates that "the bullets which killed the two children were fired
from the top floor of a nearby house, the highest building in the area,
which had been taken over by Israeli soldiers shortly before the two
children were shot."

The incident that sparked international condemnations took place on May
19 when Israeli tanks fired on civilian demonstrators in Rafah.
According to an Associated Press report: "Israeli forces fired a missile
and a barrage of tank shells to hold back a crowd of Palestinians
protesting military operations in Gaza on Wednesday, killing at least
10, including children and teens. Overwhelmed doctors treated some of
the dozens of wounded on blood-drenched hospital floors."

The United Nations Security Council voted 14-0 on May 19 to condemn the
Israeli attacks, but the U.S. ambassador abstained. Many individual
governments, including Brazil, India and Pakistan, as well as the
African Union, condemned the Israeli massacres.

Washington refused to join the condemnation. When it abstained instead
of vetoing, that did put more public distance between U.S. and Israeli
policies than is usual. Nevertheless, the Israeli military's helicopter
pilots continued to use U.S.-supplied weapons to carry out bombing and
rocket attacks on targets--that is, Palestinian people--in the occupied

Although the Israeli military has been carrying out a wholesale
slaughter of Pales tinians, perhaps the most telling battles of the
month took place on May 10 and 11. On May 10, an Israeli tank carrying
explosives to blow up homes hit a mine in the Zeitoun district of Gaza.
It exploded, killing the six-member tank crew. The next day another five
Israeli troops were killed when a rocket-propelled grenade hit their
explosives-laden armored personnel carrier. This added up to the
greatest loss of Israeli troops in years.

These casualties, though small in number compared to the slaughter of
Pales tinian civilians, still represented a show of determination and
courage by the Pales tinian fighters that had an impact on the Israeli
population. On May 15 some 150,000 war-weary Israelis protested Sharon's
aggressive policies in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square and demanded he withdraw
from Gaza.

Later in the month, 46 reserve soldiers signed a statement refusing to
defend the settlements in Gaza. As the attacks on Rafah continued, the
mother of an Israeli colonel joined a protest of the massacres, carrying
a sign that read, "Down with the occupation."

JUNE 5, 1967

Before June 1967, the Egyptian government administered Gaza. It was
populated by Palestinian refugees who had been driven from their homes
in the 1948 war that created Israel. On June 5, 1967, Israel, with the
full support of the U.S. government under President Lyndon Johnson, a
Democrat, launched a lightning war on Syria, Egypt and Jordan. It seized
and has held until now Jordan's West Bank, Syria's Golan Heights, and

The preponderant strategy endorsed by all groupings in the U.S.
imperialist ruling class having major interests in this oil-rich region
has been to develop the Israeli state as a strategic ally in repressing
the movements for Middle East liberation. For over 50 years Washington
has given close economic, military and diplomatic support to Israel,
which in turn is completely dependent on U.S. imperialism for its
existence as a settler state.

The Bush administration's so-called neo-cons, that is, the grouping most
responsible for planning the war on Iraq, have also given the strongest
support to the most aggressive Israeli factions in the Likud Party,
including Sharon himself. These rightists agree on using force to
destroy any regime in the region that expres ses independence and
sovereignty. Throughout these same years, however, not only these
rightists but liberal Demo crats have fully supported Israel against any
real gains for Palestinian liberation.

In a word, the U.S. ruling class believes its interests in the region
are best served by maintaining an alliance with the Israeli state. This
virtual unity of ruling-class interests had always proved an obstacle to
developing a popular movement of solidarity with Palestinian liberation.
Even within the anti-war movement, this solidarity could not be taken
for granted.

At the time of the 1967 war, the only action taken by the U.S. movement
was a demonstration by Youth Against War and Fascism, the youth
organization of Workers World Party. YAWF protested the U.S.-backed
Israeli aggression in a demonstration at the United Nations in New York.

In the 37 years since that date, the Palestinians, through their heroic
struggle, have established themselves as a central liberation movement
among the peoples of the region, winning solidarity throughout the
world. Even so, it was only after a determined effort by the ANSWER
coalition that the new anti-war movement in the United States included
solidarity with Palestine liberation in the demonstrations last March

For the demonstrations this June 5, the ANSWER coalition will demand:
"End colonial occupation from Iraq to Palestine--support the right of

- END -

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