Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 1, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


A recent study by Glasgow University on what the British public knows
about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict turned up some damning answers.
The majority thought that the Palestinians were occupying Israeli land
instead of the reality, which is the other way around. Some 80 percent
of the British people get their news through television, which has
prompted a look at how television news ends up disinforming the public.

We predict that if a similar study were made in the U.S., it would show
similar results. The media here, if anything, is even more deceptive in
concealing the roots of the longest-running conflict in the Middle East.
That's because Washington has an even bigger stake in the struggle than
London, having funded Israel's militaristic growth and expansion almost
single-handedly. Similarly, in Anglo-U.S. domination of the region's oil
resources, it is Wall Street that now holds by far the lion's share.

It is only the stubborn resistance of the Palestinian people themselves
that has brought this widespread media bias to light. They now are
struggling to keep Ariel Sharon's apartheid wall from so fragmenting
their communities that the people could be forced to leave their homes
and land for lack of jobs and access to schools, hospitals and other
necessary services. Every day Palestinian workers, students and people
seeking medical help have to spend hours at Israeli checkpoints before
they can reach destinations only a short distance from their homes--but
now on the other side of the wall.

This is how Sharon and the Israeli right expect to continue Israel's
expansion and land grab at the expense of the Palestinians.

The results of this British study recall once again how the capitalist
media here have warped public perception of the U.S. role in Iraq. Up
through last year, most people in the U.S. thought Iraq was somehow
deeply implicated in 9/11. The media had drummed into them as fact the
sly innuendoes the Bush administration used to justify a war intended to
bring that country to its knees. Many a young soldier went to war
against Iraq thinking he/she was defending this country against
terrorism. Only when it became clear that the Iraqi people weren't going
to succumb to U.S. domination did enough reality get into the media to
bring down the poll results.

But, then, wasn't it said a century ago that truth is the first casualty
of war? That should be taught in every high school history class.

Truth in class society is usually what the ruling class wants it to be.
In the days of U.S. slavery, the "truth" that was spouted from every
pulpit, every newspaper and every political tribune in the slave states
was that owning human beings of African descent, forcing them to exist
in inhumane shacks, selling their children and loved ones when the
market for slaves was profitable, and working them half to death were
all part of the so-called God-given natural order. It took the huge
social upheaval culminating in the Civil War to bring the real class
truth to the fore.

Today's ruling class truth says there will always be extremely rich and
extremely poor nations and individuals, there will always be war, there
will always be exploitation and profit, there will always be
discrimination and oppression based on national origins, sex, gender
expression, sexuality or disability. So get used to it.

The Palestinian people refuse to get used to it. So do the Iraqis. As
the U.S. imperialists over-reach around the world, more and more people
are rejecting the worsening status quo and deciding to sacrifice and
struggle for a better world. Our movement is growing. Let the ruling
classes get used to it.

- END -

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