Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 29, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto
New York

The packed meeting hall at the Inter national Action Center here on July
13 quieted as Attorney Lynne Stewart explained the latest developments
in her case.

Stewart is charged with "materially aiding terrorism." Attorney General
John Ashcroft traveled to New York in April 2002 to charge Stewart and
three others connected with the defense of Sheikh Abdel Rahman, who had
been convicted of conspiring to carry out the 1995 World Trade Center

It was a blatant attempt to intimidate progressive lawyers from
defending demonized defendants at a time when unknown numbers of
immigrants from the Middle East or South Asia had been rounded up and
imprisoned or deported as part of the "war on terror."

It is easy to see why Ashcroft would target Stewart. She has defended
Richard Williams of the underground United Freedom Front. She was also
the attorney for Larry Davis, who won acquittal from charges resulting
from a shootout with 30 police officers in the Bronx, who Davis said
were trying to assassinate him because he tried to quit a drug-running
ring with NYPD connections.

She has also represented Arab and Muslim defendants.

Stewart believes Sheikh Rahman was "wrongfully accused and convicted. It
would be the same as charging Cardinal O'Connor with conspiracy because
he gave a sermon denouncing abortion and some disturbed youth then
attacked a women's clinic." The state's attitude is "once your client is
found guilty, you should give up," she said, "but I kept on fighting."

Stewart fervently believes every defendant deserves representation. She
said that personally, however, "I couldn't bring myself to defend a cop
accused of shooting a youth from a community of color or someone accused
of abusing a child." The IAC crowd cheered.

Attorney Michael Tigar, who represented Angela Davis and Abbie Hoff man,
is defending Stewart. Stewart described, "The prosecution is bringing
into the court tapes made of roving wiretaps, Internet reels, all now
degraded and disintegrated but digitalized." They can't be used as
evidence of fact. The judge allows them to show the "state of mind" of
the defendant and convince the jury that Stewart and the others are

No jury-trial outcome is guaranteed. To counter the prosecution's
attempt to demonize her, Stewart's supporters are mobilizing people to
attend the trial, which takes place most Mondays through Thursdays from
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 40 Foley Square, Courtroom 110, in Manhattan.
For more information, see www.lynnestewart.org.

- END -

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