Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 26, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper



By John Parker
Los Angeles

On Aug. 13, the International Action Center held a Los Angeles forum on
the Million Worker March. The gathering featured honored guest Clarence
Thomas, International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 executive
board member and former secretary-treasurer, and Alameda County Central
Labor Council member.

Members of several unions, including the United Teachers of Los Angeles,
Com munication Workers and Service Employ ees, attended the meeting.
Repre sen ta tives also came from community organizations including
Korean Immigrant Work ers Advocates, Minjok/Tongshin.com (news resource
and activist organization of the Korean community), Global Women's
Strike and Veterans for Peace.

Magda Madrigal of the IAC, who chaired the meeting, is playing a leading
role in organizing for Oct. 15-16 immigrant-rights marches in Los
Angeles. She explained the Million Worker March's importance for the
progressive movement. And she congratulated Thomas for leading the

Thomas framed the MWM's intentions within the historic tradition of
Harry Bridges, founder of the ILWU. It was Bridges who said in the
1930s, during the tumultuous struggles for basic union rights, that "the
main issue is the right of labor to organize."

Thomas is leading a battle for the right of labor to organize
politically and independent of the two ruling-class parties. The MWM
exposes that there is indeed a ruling-class war against workers. Thomas
is bringing these class antagonisms to light by pushing demands that the
candidates of the two parties of capital--John Kerry and George W. Bush--
refuse to address.

Thomas mentioned a few of these demands feared by the ruling class. He
called for national health care, a living wage, guaranteed pensions,
cancellation of all corporate "free trade" agreements like NAFTA,
amnesty for all undocumented workers--and slashing the military budget
and ending the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq now.

Thomas spoked of his recent trip to Iraq. He witnessed the devastation
to civilians, hospitals and the labor movement there. Saying the war in
Iraq must be opposed, he asked, "How could I return to Iraq and talk to
the people there if I supported continuing the war?"

He said workers and progressives here must stand in solidarity with
workers everywhere.

Johnnie Stevens, from the Inter national Action Center national office
in New York and People's Video Network, spoke about the connections
between the MWM and the struggle against U.S. terror and occupation in

Juan Jose Gutierrez of Latino Move ment USA addressed the most recent
attacks on immigrant workers and how the MWM's demands coincide with the
struggle of the undocumented. He is one of those building for the Oct.
15-16 demonstrations, calling for justice for immigrants and an end to
terrorist Immi gration and Naturalization Service raids.

Gutierrez endorsed the MWM. After he spoke, many in the audience
enthusiastically suggested ways to build for the Oct. 15-17 events
simultaneously, to increase participation in both demonstrations and
strengthen solidarity in Los Angeles.

Maggie Vascassenno of the IAC addressed the current intensifying U.S.
threats against the people of Iraq. She went over the atrocities
occurring in Najaf and Kut. She urged everyone to attend the Aug. 26
Iraq War Crimes Tribunal in New York before the Republican National
Conven tion to put the Bush administration and accomplices on trial for
war crimes.

Million Worker March and Haiti

The MWM demands that Clarence Thomas referred to are resonating loudly
amongst workers and community activists alike. He attended an Aug. 14
afternoon planning session at the IAC office, along with representatives
of the Peace and Freedom Party in Southern California, United Teachers
of Los Angeles, Com munication Workers, National Lawyers Guild, Latino
Movement USA, Veterans for Peace and ANSWER Los Angeles.

That evening, the theme of solidarity for the MWM extended to a forum on
Haiti in South Central Los Angeles. This forum was hosted by Black
organizations including the Haiti Solidarity Coalition.

Johnnie Stevens spoke about the parallels between U.S. imperialism's
attack on Africa and Central and Latin America, and their connections to
the Haitian people's struggle for self-determination. He said that all
these developments affect working and poor people here, and helped
motivate people to answer the call for a Million Worker March.

Clarence Thomas commented on the need for people to become organizers
and participants in the MWM to help build awareness and fight back on
issues like U.S. crimes against Haiti.

On Aug. 15, Thomas held meetings with South Central church leaders
including the Rev. Andrew-Gaither of Faith United Methodist Church and
the Rev. Richard Byrd of KRST Unity Center for African Spirituality. At
KRST Unity, Thomas addressed the packed church from the pulpit about the
MWM. Church members enthusiastically endorsed his effort with applause
and Byrd incorporated Thomas' message into his sermon. About one-third
of those present signed up to become MWM organizers.

By 1936 the guiding slogan of the Longshore Workers was: "An injury to
one is an injury to all." This principle of solidarity led the West
Coast maritime unions' campaign to spread unionization to all workers.
This legacy is also loud and clear as a theme for the Million Worker

Thus, like Harry Bridges, Clarence Thomas is building the type of unity
and leadership in the labor movement that will be a precursor to
historic revolutionary change in this country and around the world.

[John Parker helped to organize the Aug. 13-15 meetings on the MWM and Haiti.]

- END -

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