Dear all,

刚刚向 www-zh-cn cvs commit 了 gnu/road-to-gnu.zh-cn.po 主要有两个变更点:

1. typo: "Guy Stellle" --> "Guy Steele" (line 392)
2. (line 838)

> The phone's extension was 6765, and we answered it “6765,” or “Fibonacci of 
> 20,” since 6765 is the 20th Fibonacci number.
> [...](电话的分机号码是 6765,我们接听的是 “6765”,或者“斐波那契数列的第 20 个数”,因为 6765 是斐波那契数列的第 20 个数字 
> [...]

偶然在进行考古工作的时候在 www-discuss mailing list archive 发现 RMS 本人对此的解释:

Le 23/07/2023 à 05:00, Richard Stallman a écrit :
>    > Another unclear sentence:
>    >      The phone was answered “6765,”...
> That is precisely correct!
> You picked up the phone and said, "6765".
> (Or else, "Fibonacci of 20", since the value of that is 6765.)

因此,原文的意思不是"我们接听6765"而是"我们拿起电话之后说6765",所以进行了修改 [1]。


如果没问题,wxie san 请有空的时候 commit 进 www 里面去。

Jing Luo
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