Hi Miguel,

On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 22:14:22 +0900, Miguel Vilaça <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is that both textCtrlAppendText and textCtrlWriteText always
> write the new pieces of text in the end of the previous text and I need
> to insert the text in the place where the TextCtrl cursor is.

I think you misunderstand textCtrlAppendText behavior.
textCtrlAppendText appends text at the end of the text control, and
then sets insertion position at the end of text control.


This behavior is same as textCtrlWriteText with textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd.


> I also tried
> textCtrlSetInsertionPoint "DUMMY" 0
> but that didn't change any behavior. It seems this function do nothing.

So you must use textCtrlWriteText with textCtrlSetInsertionPoint.

I wrote sample program for this problem.
Please test and understand these functions behavior.

import Graphics.UI.WX
import Graphics.UI.WXCore

main = start $ do
          f <- frame [ text := "Position Test"]
          p <- panel f []
          t <- textCtrl p [ text := "dummy"
                          , clientSize := sz 300 300]
          b1 <- button p [ text:= "writText"
                         , on command := writeText t]
          b2 <- button p [ text:= "AppendText"
                         , on command := appendText t]
          set f [ layout := container p $ column 5
                         [ fill $ widget t
                         , hfill $ widget b1
                         , hfill $ widget b2]
                , clientSize := sz 400 400]
              writeText t = do
                  pos <- textCtrlGetInsertionPoint t
                  textCtrlSetInsertionPoint t pos
                  -- textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd t
                  textCtrlWriteText t "writeText!"
              appendText t = do
                  pos <- textCtrlGetInsertionPoint t
                  -- textCtrlGetInsertionPoint can get insertion point.
                  -- print pos
                  -- pos <- textCtrlXYToPosition t $ pt 0 0
                  textCtrlSetInsertionPoint t pos
                  textCtrlAppendText t "AppendText!"

Best Regards,

shelarcy <shelarcy    hotmail.co.jp>

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