Hi Conal

> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for the progress update.  Your remark about 2.6 only raises a
> question for me: What's the deal on wxhaskell and ghci-friendliness?
> Do we still have to use wxWindows/wxWidgets 2.4.2 in order to run more
> than one GUI per ghci session?  Will it be possible at all any more?

I am currently working on a GUI version of GHCi (called GhciGui), which
may solve your problem. The GhciGui uses two processes. One for the GUI
and one for executing the Haskell code the user inputs. You can also ask
GhciGui to spawn a new process, each time you press "execute". In this
way you can keep executing WxHaskell programs, even if you are running
wxWidgets 2.6.

After spawning a new process all your targets and modules are also

However, you do not get this for nothing. When GhciGui spawns a new
process all your let bindings will be lost :( But I am wondering if this
is an acceptable loss?


Mads Lindstrøm

>   - Conal
> On Feb 16, 2008 5:24 AM, Eric Y. Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Hi everyone,
>         I have uploaded an unofficial pre-release of wxhaskell on
>         hackage.  It is
>         available as two packages, wxcore and wx.
> http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/wxcore-0.10.2
>          http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/wx-0.10.2
>         Let me stress that this is only experimental; it is NOT an
>         official release.
>         Summary
>         -------
>         I think this works under Linux and MacOS X, but not under
>         Windows.
>         It seems to work best under MacOS X (10.4 on Intel).  If you
>         have any trouble,
>         you are likely going to have to install wxcore by hand
>         (passing in configure
>         flags, etc) and then install wx automatically:
>          cabal install wx
>         General notes
>         -------------
>         This only works with wxWidgets 2.6.
>         Windows and maybe MacOS X
>         --------------------------
>         The wxcore cabal script is merely a wrapper around the
>         makefile and the
>         configure script.  So you'll still need to have make and the
>         ability to run
>         shell scripts.  As shelarcy pointed out, this probably does
>         not work for
>         Windows, and you'll have to go the old-fashioned route (using
>         the darcs
>         repository as well).
>         MacOS X
>         -------
>         The configure options that worked for me (wxWidgets) are
>          ./configure --enable-display --enable-unicode --with-opengl
>         --with-mac --without-odbc --enable-mediactrl
>         --disable-monolithic
>         Note that I also had to do
>          sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin
>          sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/wx-config /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin
>         This makes the wxcore package use your version of wxWidgets
>         and not the one that came with the
>         system.
>         Linux
>         -----
>         On Linux, I had to supply --with-opengl to the configure
>         script:
>          runhaskell Setup --configure-opt=--with-opengl
>         I noticed also that on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon, I had some trouble
>         running sample applications with wxGTK 2.8, so I aptitude
>         installed
>         libwxgtk2.6-dev and specified to wxhaskell to use it instead
>         of the
>         newer version:
>          mkdir -p /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin
>          ln
>         -s /usr/lib/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-release-2.6 
> /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config
>          runhaskell Setup --configure-opt=--with-opengl
>         Where to next?
>         --------------
>         I hope that this makes life a little easier, and that the
>         being
>         on hackage either attracts more users/contributors to
>         wxhaskell.
>         Here are some key questions we need to answer for 0.10.3:
>         * Can we make it possible to run wxhaskell programs under
>         Linux
>          without the --with-opengl flag? Seems to be fine under MacOS
>         X.
>         * Why are people having build trouble lately?
>          * You have to obliterate a patch for wxhaskell on PowerPC,
>         why?
>          * What about the issue that Malcolm pointed out with not
>         linking to
>           the -gl version of wxWidgets [odd; doesn't wx-config tell
>         the right thing?]
>          * What about Gwern's too many symbolic links problem?
>         * Why doesn't wxhaskell work with wxGTK 2.8?  I thought we had
>          worked out some compatibility fixes?
>         * What do we need for Windows users to be able to cabal
>         install wx?
>         ... and many more.  Please help!
>         --
>         Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
>         PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9
>         --
>         Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
>         PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9
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