Hi John,

One of my last bindings is this, which always worked fine.
I do not get any errors when building the bindings, but when the program start 
get an error. See the stack dump down here.
If i remove "%define_pointer a2dMaskProc", the RegisterBindings() fase is fine.
The function a2dGetMaskProc() return the same pointer, and i tested a few 
using that instead of a2dMaskProc itself, and they work.
So i wonder what is going on. When i look at wxlObject->pObjPtr just before the 
call to lua_rawset, it contains the right info as far as i can see.
It is not the only place i use %define_pointer e.g also in its base class.
Is that maybe what luaO_rawequalObj sees as a problem??
I think my bindings are oke, and something else is wrong :-)
Can you give me some hints, or maybe even better, is this already enough for 
to find an error in the binding generation?

and Happy Christmas to all of you.


%class %delete %noclassinfo a2dCentralEditorCommandProcessor

%define_string  a2dMASKPROC_VERSION

%class %delete %noclassinfo MaskprocLuaWrapper, a2dLuaWrapper
     MaskprocLuaWrapper( a2dCentralEditorCommandProcessor* commandProcessor )
     bool Exit()

     %define_pointer a2dMaskProc


%function MaskprocLuaWrapper* a2dGetMaskProc()

Here the stack dump.

luaO_rawequalObj(const lua_TValue * 0x4d678191, const lua_TValue * 0x02005698) 
line 73 + 6 bytes
luaH_get(Table * 0x02174a30, const lua_TValue * 0x02005698) line 484 + 16 bytes
luaH_set(lua_State * 0x020053a8, Table * 0x02174a30, const lua_TValue * 
0x02005698) line 495 + 13 bytes
lua_rawset(lua_State * 0x020053a8, int -3) line 673 + 37 bytes
wxLuaBinding::DoRegisterBinding(const wxLuaState & {...}, int 1) line 1193 + 11 
wxLuaBinding::RegisterBinding(const wxLuaState & {...}) line 988
wxLuaState::RegisterBindings() line 2687
wxLuaState::Create(lua_State * 0x020053a8, int 2) line 2220
wxLuaState::Create(wxEvtHandler * 0x01f71740, int -1) line 2113 + 14 bytes
wxLuaState::wxLuaState(wxEvtHandler * 0x01f71740, int -1) line 615 + 75 bytes
MaskprocLuaWrapper::MaskprocLuaWrapper(a2dCentralCanvasCommandProcessor * 
0x01ff8170) line 569 + 16 bytes
MyApp::OnInit() line 354 + 72 bytes
wxAppConsole::CallOnInit() line 76 + 28 bytes
wxEntryReal(int & 1, char * * 0x01f70f50) line 436 + 25 bytes
wxEntry(int & 1, char * * 0x01f70f50) line 209 + 13 bytes
wxEntry(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, HINSTANCE__ * 
0x00000000, int 1) line 386 + 13 bytes
WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00051f1e, 
int 1) line 208 + 24 bytes
WinMainCRTStartup() line 330 + 54 bytes
KERNEL32! 77e735dd()


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