Hi John,

> Yes, there are far more differences than I realized, you'll have to use 
> --enable-compat28 for the near future.

That's okay; I already added it to some of my build scripts, just
wanted to let you know.

> I have also seen some problems with the wxLua app (editor.wx.lua) not exiting 
> for some reason with 3.0, but not 2.9.x if I remember correctly.

I have seen this in my application as well, even with 2.9.5. I'd like
to get to the bottom of it, but so far I've been using os.exit() at
the end of my main script. For some reason, each of the platforms is
guilty in some way:

-- (1) to fix a crash on OSX when closing with debugging in progress.
-- (2) to fix a crash on Linux 32/64bit during GC cleanup in wxlua
-- after an external process has been started from the IDE.
-- (3) to fix exit on Windows when started as "bin\lua src\main.lua".

I just tested the last one using 2.9.5; if I don't have os.exit() at
the end, the script just hangs. Not sure why... In cases 1 and 2, I do
call :Detach() on the started process, but it still crashes after
MainLoop is done without os.exit().


On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:44 PM, John Labenski <jlaben...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Paul K <paulclin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> I came across few more compilation errors when compat28 flag is not used:
> Yes, there are far more differences than I realized, you'll have to use
> --enable-compat28 for the near future. I have also seen some problems with
> the wxLua app (editor.wx.lua) not exiting for some reason with 3.0, but not
> 2.9.x if I remember correctly.
> I am also thinking that the switch to 3.0 without compat28 will probably
> pose problems for people since Lua won't give "compile time" errors for
> missing/changed functions. It might not be too hard to make some sort of
> diff file using the code from bindings.wx.lua to print the full list of
> functions for each version.
> John
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