Well, that makes the shortcut show up in the menu but it still does not work :-(

BTW my windows is running in a VMWare.
I don't think it should matter as Notepad++ works just fine but anyway.


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 12:24 PM, bungsuputra linan
> To bind a keyboard shortcut, I usually add tab (\t) followed with a key
> combination, like the code below.
> EVT_MENU( $self, $file->Append( wxID_OPEN, "Open\tCtrl+O"), &on_open);
> I hope it works for you.
> Regards,
> bungsu
> On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 11:45 +0300, Gabor Szabo wrote:
>> I have code like this:
>>  my $bar  = Wx::MenuBar->new;
>>  my $file = Wx::Menu->new;
>>  EVT_MENU(  $self, $file->Append( wxID_OPEN,   "&Open"       ), \&on_open    
>> );
>> On Ubuntu using Wx 0.82 it works.
>> On Windows (Strawberry Perl) using Wx 0.83 or 0.84 the menu is there
>> and it works
>> but the shortcut Ctr-O does not work and I don't even have the nice icons.
>> How can I make them work and the icons (or at least the short-cuts) to show 
>> up?
>> Gabor

Gabor Szabo http://szabgab.com/blog.html
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