
See my answers below.

> thanks for your time and detailed report.

You're welcome. And, congratulations for your work.

>> 6. In the Edit menu, you should add the hotkeys for Undo, redo... because at
>> least Control+Z works, but this is not visible from the menu.
> I am using
> EVT_MENU( $self, $edit->Append( wxID_UNDO,    ''       ), \&on_undo    );

I am not a WxPerl expert, but I use to specify the labels and the hotkeys for 
menus, using something like:


In your form of defining the menus maybe you should put this where you have ''.

> but it seems the stock item does not add the hotkeys to the menu, not
> even on linux.
> Do you see the hotkey on he File/New menu? I see it on Ubuntu but I am not
> sure I was it when I tried it on Windows.

I can see the hotkeys on some menus, but a stranger hotkey, like Ctr+letter or 
something like that, not as Ctrl+letter as I think it should.
(But I can't test right now, because the app is installed at home.)

>> 10. It would be nice to be able to close the files using Control+F4.
> It is now Ctr-W as it is in gedit and in several other apps on Ubuntu.
> I wonder if this is a difference between the "standard" of Linux and Windows?

Maybe. I don't know because I can't use very well a Linux GUI so I can't 
But I think that it wouldn't be something wrong if 2 different hotkeys would be 
used for the same action.

>> 15. I couldn't use the options from the "Run" menu.
>> I have configured it to run
>> perl
>> perl $file (like in TextPad)
>> perl file.txt
>> where file.txt is the currently opened file, but when using F5 or
>> Control+F5, nothing happend.
>> I've seen that there is a command results (maybe) readonly text field at the
>> bottom of the window, but nothing is printed there.
>> Anyway, if that it is a field for outputting the results, it would be nice
>> to have a hotkey that moves the cursor there, because if somebody wants to
>> copy the results but it doesn't use a mouse.... it can't do it.
> Yeah, that's it.
> What should be that hot-key?
> What is the "standard"?

I don't know if there is a "standard" for doing that.
I've seen other editors that don't have that hotkey defined, so I can't use 
I prefer using TextPad, which creates a new common document window for 
displaying the results (STDOUT and STDERR), and that document window is as 
accessible as any other document window.
And it gets the focus automaticly after running the current program if it 
outputs a result on STDOUT or STDERR.


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