
I am trying to create a ListView in report mode, and I want the columns to have a width that can hold the biggest string from each column.

I have read that by default this happends when I use the -1 width, but all the columns are created smaller than that and the text from each column is shortened and then 3 dots appended to them.

Here is the code:

$rss_list = Wx::ListView->new($panel, -1, [0, 0], [660, 300], wxLC_REPORT|wxLC_SINGLE_SEL|wxLC_HRULES);

$rss_list->InsertColumn(0, "Date/Time", wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, -1);
$rss_list->InsertColumn(1, "Article title", wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, -1);
$rss_list->InsertColumn(2, "Source", wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, -1);
$rss_list->InsertColumn(3, "Author", wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, -1);

After the list displays the content, if I press Control+Num pad plus, (in order to make the columns larger to show the entire content), the content is shown well, but I want this to happen by default.

Am I missing something, or doing something wrong?

Thank you.


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