Octavian Rasnita wrote:


I've seen that WxPerl uses gettext as the base for Wx::Locale, just like Catalyst framework uses gettext in Catalyst::Plugin::I18N.

  To be more precise, wxWidgets uses the po/mo format but the
implementation is not gettext (because gettext is L?GPL, which
is mroe restrictive than wxWidgets' license).

In Catalyst I can do:

t("The name of the city is [_1]", $city);
t("The cities are [_1], [_2] and [_3]", [$city1, $city2, $city3]);

This is very convenient, because in some languages the position of the variable parts in the phrase is different than in English.

I've tried to do the same thing with Wx::Locale, but it gave an error. It seems that it accepts a single parameter, not more.

Is there another way of doing in a WxPerl application the same thing that could be done in Catalyst?

  There is no way of doing this using just wxWidgets/wxPerl.


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