Erik Colson wrote:


I first tried with Alien::wxWidgets from cpan, but wxWidgets building failed.. Seems to be due to Snow Leopard using 64bit gcc4.2 by default.

Yes, I found the workaround on wxWidgets wiki. I will need your (or somebody else's with 64-bit Snow Leopard) help to fix/test Alien::wxWidgets; could you post the output of: perl -V, uname -a, uname -m and uname -p?

So I downloaded wxWidgets 2.8.10 and compiled to 32bit, which did succeed. So I compiled and installed stc also. Then I restarted Alien::wxWidgets install which did find the installed version 2.8.10 but complained about stc.

  I tried this:
- fresh installation of wxWidgets (from 2.8 branch)
- added an Alien::wxWidget for that configuration
- perl Makefile.PL went OK, make failed when building stc
- installed stc
- perl Makefile.PL went OK, make went ok as well

what did I do differently from you?


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