Hi Mattia,

Well here it is.  I'm running under Kubuntu 9.10.

In the end I decided just to add the printout class to Mark's existing work
on RTPrinting and I hi-jacked RichTextPrinting.xsp.

I update the constructor from the line in RichTextPrint.h and also copied
the method lines while deleting anything in curly brackets (together with
the brackets) and inserting a semi-colon in it's place.

I also performed the following updates:

§       RichText.pm (copy RichTextPrinting line to RichTextPrintout line)
§       RichText.xs (copy RichTextPrinting line to RichTextPrintout line)
§       typemap (copy relevant lines – I guessed here, not sure what the
rules are: I just added one line for the class creater)
§       typemap.xsp (copy relevant lines – Again I guessed here and added
one line for the class).

and then re-run the install process
§       open a command window
§       cd ~/trunk/ext/richtext
§       perl Makfile.PL (Typemap ../../build/Wx/typmap not found. Writing
§       make (make: *** No rule to make target ‘cpp/ovl_const.cpp’, needed
by ‘RichText.o’. Stop.

(At this point everything else gives me the same error, so I stopped)

I have attached the four files to show you what happened.

What have I done wrong?



Attachment: RichText.xs
Description: Binary data

Attachment: RichTextPrinting.xsp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: typemap
Description: Binary data

Attachment: typemap.xsp
Description: Binary data

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