Pushed on GitHub: http://github.com/mbarbon/wx-perl-pubsub

Mattia Barbon wrote:
Eric Wilhelm wrote:
# from Mattia Barbon
# on Sunday 13 June 2010 01:28:

            subscribe( $sender, 'SignalName', $object, 'MethodName' );
            subscribe( $sender, 'SignalName', \&_function );

Could this be a method?

  $sender->subscribe(SignalName => $object, 'MethodName');
  $sender->subscribe(SignalName => sub {...});

I like it slightly better as a function (because the connection is something that belongs to both the sender and the receiver) but I do not have a strong opinion on that.

  Added two export tags.

use Wx::Perl::PubSub ':local';

exports the functions to the current module, and

use Wx::Perl::PubSub ':global';

adds the methods to all Wx::EvtHandler subclasses.

Also, maybe a way to unsubscribe from all of the subscriptions


yes, I'd like to use undef as a wildcard; for example

    $sender->unsubscribe(undef, $object)

will disconnect all signals connected to $object


and perhaps a way to get at "what is subscribed" without having to reconstruct the signatures (e.g. still in scope, etc.)

  foreach my $sig ($sender->subscriptions('SignalName')) {
    $sender->unsubscribe(SignalName => $sig) if some_condition($sig);

Where $sig might be a string of "$object_identifier|MethodName" or something like that.

I'm not sure: I never needed that when using Qt/C++ and PyQt, and the interface seems a bit clunky, so I'd rather not add it right now.

In general, this doesn't look very similar to signals/slots (which is probably a good thing.) The Qt signals/slots model is miserably polluted with notions of alternate type signatures for the slots and feels like bashing my head against a wall of C++ to work around the compile-time type signature checking. What you have proposed may be better named "pub/sub" -- except I don't see a publish API here.

  It is planned; the interface should be something like

    emit( $sender, $signal, @args ); # or $sender->emit( ... )

  Added, not documented yet.

other missing pieces are a way to retrieve the sender and the wx event that caused the notification (probably a pair of global functions)


and a way for external classes to register their own events.

  Still missing.


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